Chapter Six PART ONE of Darcy's Sweet Sixteen

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i know i haven updated for a while: be prepared for an awesomely epic and insanely long chapter...darcy's sweet sixteen. and don't judge me when i use my own name as niall's wife. i can do whatever i want for fuck's sake. so angelica (herewithonedirection) told me to make a part 1, part 2 thing for this 'cause i've been working on this chapter FOREVERS!

Darcy's Pov

It was a few days since Liam found Tyler and I snogging and almost getting a bit-umm, sexual. And I was finally sixteen. Sweet sixteen.I woke up from a rather wonderful dream. It was about how I was preforming on stage in front of millions of fans chanting my name. I was able to openly date Tyler and no one cared if I was raised by Larry Stylinton. Sadly that dream will never be able to come true.

I had always wanted to audition for Britian's Got Talent but never really was able to get the guts to ask Harry and Louis' permission. Like the paperwork is literally on my desk waiting for me to fill it out. But people would judge me about Larry and not for me. Sigh, sometimes I think I'm just going to be forever a dirty little secret away from the world.

But today wasn't the day to ponder about my problems. Hey, it's not like a girl turns sixteen everyday. I jumped out of bed and stumbled down to the kitchen to see Ty at the table reading the comics while eating some waffles. "Um...Hi?" I managed to say. He looked so hot with his bangs gently swept across his forehead. Thank goodness he had that right balence between long hair and classy-ness.

"Hey Darce. Nice footie pajamas." he said gesturing to my awesome pjs.I glanced down at my pj's. Shit. I looked like a mess. I had my hair in a big-ass bun on the top of my head and was wearing my glasses because I was too lazy to put in my contacts.

"I hate to be rude but...why are you here?"

He flipped a page,"Turns out Mum didn't really plan out the morning of your 'best day ever' so here I am to distract you for the next few hours while everyone else decorates."

"Nice." I replied,"Are there any more waffles?"  After our breakfast and after I changed we found ourselves in at his place being absolutely bored out of our minds.

"So, do you want to watch a movie?" he asked.

"Sure," I said and rumaged through his DVD collection. I found the one I was looking for and pulled out my favorite,"What about this one?"

Tyler wrinkled his nose,"Mean Girls?"

I stuck my tounge at him,"It's my birthday." Then I shot him down with my puppy-dog eyes.

"Darcy deary. You don't have to show me your gorgous blue eyes to make me watch a chick flick with you," he said.

"I know Ty. I just wanted to see if it still worked on you." I smiled and popped in the disk. We were cuddleing and stuffing our faces with junk food as Abby, Niall's wife, came in. Niall and Abby married really young, I mean when she was 20 and Niall was like 21. Abby is really pretty and bubbly,and she doesn't care if I just call her Abby. Her wavy black hair was dip-dyed a colbalt blue. She has chocolate brown eyes was wearing a cute outfit and had her signature hot pink headset around her neck. Did I mention she has her own radio show?

"Hey DJ (that was her little nickname for me, 'cause of my first name ,Darcy Jae)! Tyler!" she said and turned to Ty,"Dani wants you to help with something back at the Styllinton estate. Sorry guys that you're going to have to pause this cuddleing session." Ty looked surprised but Abby reasured him,"Don't worry. My lips are sealed." and pretended to lock her lips.

Tyler reluctantly said,"Ok then Auntie Abby."

Abby dramatically sighed,"Don't call me Auntie. It makes me feel so old." And she's only in her mid-thirtys but she still has that spunk in her still.

All You Get is Sound [A Darcy Stylinson story] TO BE REVISED AND EDITED SOONWhere stories live. Discover now