stay away

304 24 12

(ryujin's pov)

"I know roses were our thing, and they might always be our thing, but I got different flowers this time to signify a new start for us, if you still want to."

not edited/proof-read !! all mistakes are mine

i gently waved the flowers in front of her as i anxiously waited for her response and watched her expressionless face. i was okay with anything, really. it hadn't been too long, but a yes or no, a nod of the head, or a glare would suffice. i just wanted a response.

i glanced at the clock on the wall, only a minute had passed. it felt longer. my thoughts seemed to be moving faster than the clock, making it seem like time was slowing down.

i heard a soft sigh, which instantly made me glance away from the clock and back to the elegant face i was quickly (slowly?) anticipating a response from.

"ryujin, i-" she breathed out, disappointing me as i had waited a lifetime (a minute) for only two words to come out from her.

we met eyes and i slowly nodded, silently encouraging her to go on.

she gulped before continuing, "are you sure this is what you want?" she asked, "i mean, just look at how we last ended things— do you really want to start something new?"

i let her words soak up in my head for a moment as i shifted my weight to my other leg.

i wasn't hesitant, but rather thinking of the perfect response.

i confidentially nodded.

"yes, since the day i met you, i decided i'd do just about anything for you. so, yes, i would like to start something new." i responded, moving a few steps back to take a seat on the short table behind me.

the look on her face made me think twice about if i had said the right thing, "unless! unless, you don't want something new, but rather just continue with our old thing. it doesn't matter to me, as long as i get you." i added on with a playful eyebrow raised as i shrugged.

but still, no response.

it had only been a couple minutes, but her lack of response was really driving me crazy.

my eyes widened and i lowered my head as it hit me, "u-unless... you don't want to start or continue anything at all." i whispered, completely forgetting  that possibility.

i heard shuffling from around as i glanced up again and watched her move closer to me. "'no, of course not! i just keep thinking of the possibility that although we might work out, what if everything around us leads us to not?" she finished in a whisper.

i sat on the ground in front of her, mimicking her position, "and i don't care. like i said, right now, all that matters is you. everything else isn't important."

she sighed as she slowly nodded, "then if you're sure about it, i'd like to start something new, too."

i had no time to respond, because i felt her finger on my chin as she slightly raised my head to her level, and with no time to react, that familiar feeling of her lips that i will never get used to, crashed on mine, and for the first time in forever, i'd never felt so refreshed.

she slowly pulled away to catch her breath and placed her forehead on mine.

"by the way, i don't want new flowers for a new start. i like our roses better." she whispered, but i could still hear the laughter in her voice.

"yeah me too, i didn't find any roses at the store and had to come up with something in replacement to compliment the different flowers. don't feel too special." i teased as i slightly stuck my tongue out at her, watching her pretend to be shocked/hurt, but i knew she knew i was only joking.

she moved back, "roses only remind me about the way i let you go." she said, as her expression quickly turned stern. "i'm sorry. i'm sorry i ever thought something would work out if i decide to just ignore it. you didn't deserve that at all."

suddenly the mood in the room felt very gloomy at the reminisce of the past, and all i wanted to do was get rid of it. "you cant just ignore me," i said while playfully rolling my eyes, "i would haunt you in your dreams, id be everywhere you go, and fuck what they say about til' death do us apart— i'd haunt you as a ghost, too."

she backed away, pretending to be creeped out, but she had a smile on her face.

now it was my turn to be serious, "you couldn't have possibly thought i'd listen to you when you said to forget about you," i continued, "how could i ever stay away?"



long time no seeee!!

i apologize for being away so long, i just had no clue how to continue :((

if you're still here, i want to thank you so so so much, and i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

this chapter is a filler (i think that's the right word..?), since there will be some interesting stuff going down as we near the end of this story.

happy reading !!

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