Chapter Five

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picture of peyton aspens above (played by halston sage)

Dedicated to @xinstafamosxx for the comment last chapter. I'm so sorry I haven't been updating!


"Dude no shit!" Cameron screams into his headpiece. He's currently playing some video game with our dorm room's TV as I walk back in. It was late at night, nearly ten o'clock. Yet, Cameron was still up, playing video games, and screaming at someone in his headset. Cameron had a double take when he saw me. "Hold on a sec, Dave. Hey, Sam!"

"Hey," I replied with no enthusiasm.

He frowned before screaming into his headset, "I'm killing you tomorrow, Dave! You bastard!" before promptly turning off the console. "How ya been?" I shrugged which did not make Cameron happy. "Dude what's up with you?"

"Just," I paused, searching for the right thing to say. "A bad day."

"Tell me about it! I've got Dave killing me in Call of Duty every time I turn around!" Cameron bursts, throwing his headset down onto the coffee table. I plop onto the couch next to him.

"DaveTheKiller58?" I asked. I recalled that Cameron had been complaining about some guy named Dave he met online that liked to kill him a lot. He was very passionate about Dave. By passionate I mean he loved to scream very bad words at Dave.

"Yeah! Anyway, Zara Lee invited us all to a see a movie. On her, too. Wanna come with?" Cameron offered as he stood up. I gave him a look that he returned. I was hesitant.

For one, I wasn't in the mood to see Zara and Cameron get it on in the movie theater. If they did that, we would get kicked out. I was not in the mood for that either. Secondly, that means I would have to face Ariana.

Apparently, my thoughts were displayed on my face because Cameron frowned. "You can't just run away from your feelings, Sam."

As I walked away from him into the kitchen, I called back, "Yes I can!"

"No you can't!" He protested.

"Then how come I'm doing it now?" I fired back. I crossed my arms and stood my ground. I dropped my arms to my side when I realized that this was the Ariana Brooks pose. The pose that had her famous all of high school.

"Fine! I give up." Cameron grabbed my shoulders and started shoving me out of the door. He tossed me my sweatshirt as he locked the door. He must have grabbed it when we were getting out of our apartment.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!" Cameron said. I could tell he had a grin on his face.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't think you're so clever. I know we're just going to the movies and meeting up with the girls."

"Shut up, Sam. Don't ruin the surprise for yourself." 

And with that, Cameron shoved a blindfold over my eyes

Just so you know, I was right. As soon as the car pulled into a parking lot, Cameron pulled the blindfold off of me. And sure enough, we were sitting in front of a movie theater. I begrudgingly shoved myself out of the car upon the hopes that Ariana and her friends wouldn't be there. For a second, my hopes were heightened when the only person I saw was Jai Luca. 

"Hey, Jai!" Cameron called. "Saved us any seats?"

Jai turned and grinned at us. "Yeah! Lola and I got us some great seats," He said. He stepped to the side and revealed the girl standing by him. A girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, and the kindest smile you've ever seen. Her small frame was easily hidden by Jai's. 

My heart sank. 

Where there's Lola, there's always her. 

"Glad you guys could make it," A sultry voice said behind us. Cameron and I turned around to see Zara Lee walking our way. A few steps behind her was, you know, her. She seemed distracted by something on her phone. She was tapping away furiously. 

Cameron smirked at Zara and threw his arm around his shoulders. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

I snorted. Everyone's heads whipped toward me. I covered it up with a fake cough. "Uh, sorry," I muttered. "Allergies." 

Cameron rolled his eyes at me. "Let's go."

Jai and Lola showed us the seats they had reserved for us. Obviously, Jai and Lola had gotten seats beside each other. Jai also snagged Cameron the seat beside Zara. I was sat further away from them, beside Ariana and her boyfriend. I was grateful I wasn't near Cameron and Zara. I knew they'd just be making out. But sitting next to Ariana and Clayton? I would rather watch turtle porn than that.

Ariana ran into my back. I jumped back. Ariana's phone dropped to the floor and looked up in surprise. "Oh, Sam, I'm so sorry!" 

I shook my head. "It's fine."

"No, I should've been looking where I was going," Ariana said. I bent down to pick up her dropped phone the same time she did. Our hands brushed and I jerked away. I coughed awkwardly and stood straight up. Ariana gave me an odd look and picked up her phone. "Did I hurt you when I ran into you?"


But you hurt my heart a long time ago. 

"Good," Ariana said. She glanced at her phone again. A frown made it's way across her face.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked gently.

Ariana looked back up at me. She opened her mouth, then closed it as if she changed her mind on what she was going to say. She shook her head. "I don't know. Clayton's not coming anymore."



"Apparently he doesn't like Star Wars and doesn't want to see the new one with us," Ariana explained. "Truth be told, I think he's just making another excuse. Ever since we moved here, he's been making tons of excuses to not hang out with me." 

"That can't be true, Ariana," I said.

She shrugged. "I don't know, Sam."

Then, the lights began to dim. "Come on. Let's go watch the movie." 

Ariana nodded silently and let me lead her to our seats. We sat in silence as the movie began, our back's rigid and stiff. Or maybe only mine was. It felt awkward sitting there beside Ariana. All I had on my mind was her, and all that was on her mind was another boy. Not to mention, I hate Star Wars and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"You know, Sam," Ariana whispered fifteen minutes into the movie, leaning over to talk to me," I really hate Star Wars."

"I do too."

"Craving In N' Out?" 


"Then let's go." 

So that's how I found myself running out of the movie theater, laughing as I ran, with the most beautiful girl in the world right beside me. 

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