Chapter Three

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picture of cameron dallas above (played by himself lol)

    I don't understand why Cameron thought it would be a good idea to invite Ariana Brooks and her friends to our apartment.

    "Stop being such a grouch, Sam!" Cameron exclaimed. I looked up from where I was glaring at a lamp only to be slammed in the face with a pillow. I decide not to get upset at Cameron for that. If I was staring at that lamp any longer I'd probably go blind. Wouldn't want that happening. 

    I tossed the pillow back onto my bed. "Why didn't you ask me about inviting them here first?" I glared at him.

    "Because you would've said no." Cameron sits down next to me. "Don't even try to deny it."

    "Whatever," I grumbled. He was right. 

    "It'll be fun, I promise. Jai and Luke will be here too." 

    "I don't want to have fun! Not with her!" I protested. My anger was slipping away though. Cameron didn't need to know that. 

    Cameron rolled his eyes and scoffed. His face softened when he realized something. "You still love her don't you, Sam?"

    "I do not!" I rolled my eyes.

It was true. I didn't love Ariana anymore. The time that passed softened that much. The time didn't soften the fact that I still had hopeless feelings for her though. 

    "If you want her to love you again, than you have to let her get to know you. This little friendly get together will do exactly that!" Cameron explained, before crossing his arms with a smug look. "I know, I know. I'm a genius!" 

    "If something goes wrong, it's all on you, Cameron," I warned him.

    "What could go wrong?"


    "You're such a drama queen." 

    I opened my mouth to protest, but a knock on the door interrupted me. Cameron's eyes lit up and he darted to the door. I slumped onto the couch in defeat. Cameron won this argument, this time. I'll get him next time.

    "We come bearing gifts!" Zara Lee exclaimed happily, announcing her arrival. She had two small packs of beer in her hands triumphantly. 

    Ariana Brooks followed her inside, her arms crossed and eyes rolling. "By gifts, she means alcohol." 

    "The gift of alcohol!" Zara winked. 

   "Hey, Sam," Lola smiled from beside Ariana. She was easily the kindest girl I knew. 

    I mumbled a hello back because I was too busy staring at Ariana. She looked amazing. Ariana was petite little thing, but her legs were long. Her shorts showed them off well. Her plain halter top showed off her Australian tan, with identical white Chuck Taylors. Her hair was up in a ponytail. Ariana's face was completely free of makeup. To other's, she was plain dressed.

    To me, she'd never looked more beautiful. 

    "Guess who?" Jai Luca grinned, popping up behind Ariana. Ariana smiled at him as he threw an arm around her shoulders. I scowled despite myself. I knew that Jai and Ariana were just best friends and never anything more, but right now they looked like a couple. A really attractive couple. My jealousy flared. 

    "What're we doing tonight?" Luke Luca asked, entering the apartment hand in hand with an unhappy looking Peyton Aspens. 

    "Drink booze and do whatever," Cameron shrugged. "Zara, pass me a beer." 

    Within an hour we were all doing our own thing. Luke and Peyton were in the kitchen, have a whispered but very heated argument. I hoped they were alright. Ever since we stepped onto the campus, they were having relationship issues. Ever since Ariana arrived, they were having relationship issues. 

    Ariana, Jai, and Lola were playing on the Wii. You could hear their laughter and yelling from my bedroom. I'd assume it was Wii sports. I remembered that Ariana had the most competitive spirit when it came to any activity. She used to completely kill me in Wii sports. We used to tell our friends we'd be going on a romantic date, but in reality we'd just hang out. I got to know her well on those dates. I missed that. 

    As for my best friend, he and Zara were 'chilling' in his bedroom. Anyone in their right of mind would know that they weren't just hanging out. Especially after they'd had a few beers. And did a body shot in the kitchen five minutes earlier where they didn't think anyone would see. 

    Obviously, they were wrong.

    Trust me, there is nothing more awkward than seeing your best friend get it on with the girl you love's best friend. When you happen to be in the kitchen together. 

    Ariana and I had bumped into each other on the way to the kitchen. She had spilled her Pepsi all over my white t-shirt. My shirt had absorbed the drink, making it completely see through. It was as awkward as you could've imagined.

    "I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed. Ariana's cheeks turned pink. "Here, let me get you some paper towels." Ariana scrambled to grab some, but I stopped her.

    "No, you don't have to. It's fine." I waved it off. I wrung out my shirt in the sink. 

    "No! I feel awful. You invited me to your apartment and I spilled soda all over you! Let me go get paper towels, Sam." This time, Ariana rushed into the kitchen before I could stop her.

    "Ariana!" I called after her. I ran into the kitchen behind her, but she stopped so suddenly that I ran into her back. She pitched forward. I scrambled to catch her. But I had grabbed her arm so suddenly, it brought her against my chest in an embrace. 

    But the sudden closeness didn't catch her attention at all. What did was her best friend and my best friend all over each other.

    "Sam," She whispered. Her jaw dropped. Her eyes became larger than normal. 

    "We, um, should probably go," I stuttered. Ariana and I had completely invaded each other's personal space and it was messing with my mind.

    "I so agree," Ariana nodded and quickly left my embrace. She sprinted out of the kitchen.

    With one last eye roll at Cameron and Zara, I followed her out. 

   Ariana quickly joined in on Jai and Lola's Wii game again and I sat on the couch watching them in amusement. Occasionally, Ariana would crack a joke that had us all laughing. She was as funny as ever. That was one thing she hadn't lost to the accident. 

She lost me in the accident.

My God, I'm depressing. 

    "I'm done. I'm all tired out," Ariana said suddenly, plopping onto the couch beside me.

    "So soon, Ari?" Jai asked her. He had a grin on his face.

    "I've never seen you drop out from anything so quickly," Lola agreed, teasingly. 

    Ariana shrugged. "There's a first time for everything." But when she turned to look at me, there was a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. 

    I knew exactly what she was doing. It was just one small step in her plan to get her best friend, Jai, with her other one, Lola. Ariana could fool them, but she couldn't fool me. Not back then.

    And not now. 

That much hadn't changed.

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