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I shut the bathroom door loudly against the voices that followed me, dropping down on my knees and slammed the toilet seat open. Acid in my stomach churned with fear.

I barely made it before my stomach churned tightly, the taste of vomit flowed through my open jaw, and I emptied the content of the lunch I finished into the toilet.

Heavy footsteps rained behind me, and I didn't have to look up to identity the commander. I sighed to myself, tilting my head towards the ceiling to meet his eyes.

"I'm not going to fucking hold your hair up." He muttered.

"Shame." I mocked his brooding tone. I lifted myself from the ground and sucked in air trying to avoid everything that happened. I walked over to the sink, grabbing a toothbrush, and started brushing my teeth while Mr. Brooding watched me silently.

I was too tired to even give a fuck and I simply didn't care if I wasn't acting like a proper Italian girl. He could take the idea and shove it up his ass. Or in fact, I could shove the toothbrush up his ass.

I sighed heavily, shoving the long strands of hair from my face.

"Suck it up." Vetrov shot me a dark look of absofuckinglutely nothing.

This was getting ridiculous. He was the one who killed my husband, the one who killed my friend, my cousin---even though I was grateful—that didn't matter right now. He expected me to just suck it up and listen to whatever he said. Hell no.

"You know what I think? It's not your fucking business what I decide to do, and don't. You're not in control of my life. You got that?" I muttered the same phrase he told me when we first met.

"Don't use that tone on me, Elena." He growled out, the sound of Oxfords as he took a step closer to me. "I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all. Take a good look at the man I am. I am not your little cousin, and I am not your fucking friend. I kill. You've always known that. It was either the maid or you."

A hard look crossed his face, his gaze narrowed slightly at my dress. "Honestly, I would have rather choose to put a bullet in your pretty little head, but your father was rather convincing. So, I chose the maid. Congratulations, you survive. Stop fucking bitching."

And with that, the assassin turned around and began to walk out of the bathroom. I was keen on having the last word, so I slipped off my red Louboutin and threw my shoes at him.

He clenched his jaw and slammed the door shut so hard it nearly broke off its hinges.

"Elena!" Mamma shouted from outside of the bathroom door, followed by her rapid knocking on the doorway. "Your date is here."

I sighed before picking up my precious Louboutin from the ground.

"Ay!" That was the first thing Mamma asked when I stepped out of my closet. Her dark eyes accessed the state of strapless dress I changed into. One of Mamma's dresses. It extended below my knees and kissed the fucking ground.

        Something I would never wear. Black was so not my color.

She grabbed my shoulders turning me sideways to the mirror. "Beautiful, bella." She threaded her fingers through my dark hair over my shoulder. "I think he's going to be the one this time."

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