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Alessio stayed with me in the room as we waited for Papà and Emilio to finish their conversation. My knees bopped against the seat. I couldn't help the slight tremor that shuddered through my spine as I thought about my meeting with Emilio.

        Mamma gave me a list of rules. Let him lead the conversation. Don't be funny. Don't talk about not wanting kids, bella.

I said yes to the first two, and completely disregarded the last one. Everything between us needed to be clear before we got married. If we got married.

        The horror of my stomach enlarged and running around with children dawned into my mind. And I broke into fucking shivers.

No children.

"Nervous?" Alessio asked watching me from the corner of his eyes. He held my wrist gently in case I was tempted to scratch my arm. A terrible habit with a tendency to resurface every few months.

I shook my head. He gave me an unconvincing look. "I just need something to take the edge off, Lessi." I smiled sweetly. "Please?"

"No." He said without hesitation. Dammit. "He's just a man. Since when were you afraid of those, bella?"

A dark look covered my face. "Fuck you."

"There's my Elena. My favorite cousin." Alessio chuckled softly, the slight accent running through his cadence. Sometimes I often forgot he was my cousin. Not my brother. We were always close, not as close as I would have wanted but he always understood me.

I had to bite the inside of my cheek to prevent the smile on my face. "I'm your only cousin."

"No... well, there was Romeo, but Sin took care of him. I guess you're right. I have you all to myself." He shot me a salivating, puppy smile. And I wanted to shake the look of adoration off his face.

But right now, I would let him have it.

A knock on the door broke us apart. I jolted to my feet, a rotting feeling in the pit of my stomach. Alessio was beside me, his warm presence comforted my heart. Papà was the first to enter then followed by my fiancé. Emilio Vitiello. The ice king.

        I often wondered if the nickname was literal but when his sharp silver eyes held mine, a hot shiver rolled down my fucking spine. Goddamn it. Why did he have to be so handsome?

Uncertain eyes glittered with amusement as he walked in. Dark grey suit. Dark blonde hair twinged with streaks of silver. Shamelessly, I watched his thighs and butt as it flexed in the tight fabric of the suit. And I swore I let out a tiny whistle.

Alessio's eyes snapped to mine with a flush on his cheek, and he proved my assumption.

Emilio wore confidence like the most expensive suit he owned. It was attractive, I wouldn't deny it. Yet, underneath those brilliant sliver eyes lurked darkness. A predator. Our eyes held each other as he spoke to my father, unspoken words conveyed in their secret nods.

"A word, Elena." Emilio murmured, his voice was low and sexy. "If that is okay with your father."

Papà grunted deeply and responded with a nod. He shot Alessio a dark look with a raise of his brow that silently conveyed everything he needed to say. Alessio rubbed a hand on my shoulder before he walked out of the room with Papà.

I hadn't expected that. Papà—Luca Cassano would never leave me in a room with a man. Ever. And he certainly wouldn't have excused us. He was too paranoid for that. Especially after my latest shenanigans.

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