Episode 28: They Bug Me

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Palo Alto, California

After two weeks of recuperation, Clay and Shali returned to their homes in Silicon Valley, south of San Francisco. Because they had booked their flights to get into San Francisco Airport at the same time, they linked up and shared a taxi back to Silicon Valley. Clay was dropped off first at his large double condo in Palo Alto, near the downtown train station, and Shali continued on to her townhouse, a few miles away in downtown Mountain View.

Clay opened the door to his condo, and saw something he had hoped never to see. He checked the adjoining condo he used as the office to run his business. The same. Still in shock, he called Shali.

"Hello, Clay? I figured you would be calling."

"Well, did you get a surprise, too?"

"Let me guess: everything in your place has been turned upside down or has gone missing? Every drawer dumped out?"

"Yup. You, too? Who the hell are these people? Everything I had that looked like it might have any kind of information is gone. They even took the PLR books off my shelf." Clay, recovering from the shock, tried to lighten the mood. "Hey, and I had autographed PLR books by Brian Weiss, Michael Newton and Tom Silver. Now, how am I going to replace those?"

They nervously laughed together, covering the pain caused by their personal lives being violated by some faceless, nameless organization.

Clay continued, "They took all of my computers and backups. It's a good thing it's all encrypted."

"It is also good that almost everything was on the computers and not on paper. Your paranoid, spooky army intelligence experience paid off this time."

Clay smiled. "Fortunately, it's all worthless to them without our computer token chips and our secret pass codes. Since everything is backed up on-line, we just need to get some new computers, and then we'll be up and running in a few days."

"No rush. We've got our laptop databases for the time being."

"Shali, we have to call the local cops, but we should get in touch with our FBI contact first. This has got to be the same people who planted that bomb. I'll call the agent now and get back to you in little bit. You should go check into a hotel. Don't touch anything until the FBI or police have done their magic."

* * * ~~~ * * *

A week later, they both had their houses put back together and had new sophisticated security alarms installed. Shali met at Clay's office condo to plan their next steps.

Shali said, "It looks like the local authorities and the FBI did a thorough job of investigating the break-ins, but again they didn't find a single trace of evidence. Nothing."

Clay nodded. "These people are pros for sure. Clearly, somebody wanted to know what we have been doing and how we are doing it. From now on, we need to be extra cautious about everything."

"The security sweeps you ordered for both of our places also turned up nothing. The guy said they will come back twice a week for the next couple of months."

Clay pointed at several dots on his ceilings and walls. "The security company did a good job on the hidden cameras. We can monitor the video on my smartphone via the Internet. Pretty cool."

In a positive tone, Shali said, "Well, now that all the databases are synchronized and backed up, and our bruises and cuts are healed, I think we're about ready to go back to work. So where do we go from here?"

"I've been thinking about it. We've got a few options; each has its pros and cons."

"So shoot."

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