꧁four: requels꧁

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Quinn and the rest of his friends were called over to Mindy, Maria, and Chad's house the following afternoon. Sam and Richie, surprisingly, had been the ones to call the meeting.

While the group of teens (Quinn, Mindy, Chad, Maria, Wes, Amber, Carson, and Liv) waited for Sam and Richie to arrive, they talked about the sudden disappearance of Josephine, which was keeping Wes on edge. When asked about it, he tried to dismiss it by saying they'd gotten in a fight, but Quinn could easily tell how anxious he was.

"How's the shoulder, Q?" asked Chad from where he was sitting, beside Liv. His hand was on her thigh and hers was on his arm.

"Getting better." responded Quinn with a small grin. He was sitting on the arm of Amber's chair.

The doorbell rang, and Mindy rushed over to answer it. Quinn could hear her talking in the hallway. She emerged from the hallway and re-entered the living room.

"Randy was our uncle." she sighed, blowing a kiss at the large memorial they'd set up for him on the mantle. "RIP."

Sam and Richie stared, somewhat concerned, at the memorial. Another man followed behind them, although it didn't take long for Quinn to recognize him— he was Deputy Dewey, a man who helped Sidney Prescott with the original two killers. Not to mention he'd been married to the reporter Gale Weathers, but they'd gotten divorced.

"You said to bring everybody." sang Mindy, motioned to the large group gathered in her living room. They all waved awkwardly at the couple.

"Oh, suspects!" beamed Mrs. Meeks-Martin, coming into the living room with a tray of snacks for the group. Quinn had always liked her. It was clear she admired each of her children for their own traits. "My brother would be so proud!"

"Hey, Martha." Dewey greeted, and Mrs. Meeks-Martin stood up straight, examining the man in front of her as her mouth fell open.

"Dewey!" she exclaimed happily, pulling him into a hug. "You look..."

She trailed off, trying to find the appropriate words as she shook her head in a circle. Dewey made a noise which Mrs. Meek-Martin took as a response. "How's the wife?"

This time, Dewey tilted his head, and Chad grimaced awkwardly, as did Quinn. Thankfully, Dewey didn't say anything in response.

"Okay, Mom, we're good." said Chad, ushering her out of the room. "Thanks."

"Okay, kids." she narrowed her eyes jokingly at Chad. "Have fun." She pointed two fingers towards her eyes and then at Chad, signaling that she was watching him. He gave her a tentative thumbs-up in response.

Sam stepped closer to the group, taking a deep breath before beginning. "I asked Mindy to call everyone here because... there's something I have to tell you."

And within fifteen minutes, everyone knew that Sam wasn't Samantha Carpenter— she was Samantha Loomis. To say Quinn hadn't seen it coming was an understatement. He cursed himself for not being more inquisitive. (She continued on by telling the group how they were all being targeted because of who her father was— and at least one of them in the group was Ghostface himself).

"So, let me get this straight." Chad was the first to
speak up in the group, his head balanced on his fingertips. "You're the daughter of Billy Loomis and, what, one of us is the killer?"

"The killer told me he knew my secret." replied Sam sternly. "He attacked Tara to lure me back here."

"But then why go and immediately murder some... douche stalking Liv?" challenged Chad, shaking his head at the theory. Quinn bit his lip.

"Why does it have to be one of us?" inquired Wes seriously, leaning forward and eyeing Dewey. "I mean, what about Deputy Dewey here? Maybe he's the killer. No offense."

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