Chapter 4: Recollection Blanking

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After getting back to the library after the little incident at the Mirror Chamber, Dire Crowley and Briar are at the library to look up the maps, location list, and all kinds of information to find a way to get her back home. However, they have come to a halt on it.

"Urgh. Nothing. There's nothing about San Diego. California. The United States. Nothing," Briar says, frustrated and turning the pages on the book.

Crowley says, "Just I'd suspected. Nothing. Not only is your homeland not listed on any map from any point in history."

Then turns to Briar, "Now, are you QUITE sure that you came form such a place? That wasn't some sort of lie, or jape? Because if so, the only explanation is that you've come from another planet. Or perhaps you were summoned here from another dimension?"

"Another planet or dimension?" Briar asks, shocked.

She shakes her head and says, "Listen, I'm not making all this up."

"Then show me everything that you brought here with you. Do you have some form of identification, a driver's license perhaps? Or even a... shoe? You do seem a tad bit... empty-handed," Crowley says.

Briar soon looks at the robe she is wearing and checks the pockets. She even checks the pants pockets that she has. She finds it odd. She doesn't have her cellphone, her wallet. She then touches her left wrist and feels something. She gently lifts up her wrist and pulls the sleeve a little to reveal a bracelet.

"My bracelet," Briar softly says to herself.

Briar looks at her bracelet to see that it's a silver chain with a few small charms: three figures of small fairy silhouette: pink, blue, and green. A red rose, a red apple, a yellow lion paw, and a purple seashell. There is also a large heart on it that has her name. She opens it to reveal herself as a kid. Along with three elderly women, who look practically the same, but a few differences. The one on the left has some purple highlights and pink eyes, the one in the middle has blue eyes, and the one on the right still has some black strains of hair, and has green eyes.

She sadly sighs as she looks at the photo.

She turns to Crowley and says, "Sorry, but I don't seem to have anything. It's weird. I remember having my bag that had a few things, but I don't seem to have them anymore."

"Well, this is quite the predicament," Crowley says.

Briar sighs and says, "Gels like I'm back to square one. It's just one thing to another."

"I cannot have someone with no aptitude for magic bumbling about my magic academy," Crowley says.

Briar is sad to hear this.

But then Crowley says, "And yet, as an educator, I am loath to expel a young student without a cent to their name, or ability to contact their guardian..."

Briar mutters, "Or any guardian to contact for that matter."

"Beg your pardon," Crowley asks, having heard what Briar says.

Briar sighs and decides to be honest with him, "Well to be honest, I actually live by myself. My aunts passed away some time ago. It's a long and complicated situation I was in."

"Really now?" Crowley asks, curiously.

"Yeah. It's kind of a long story," Briar says.

"Care to explain," Crowley asks.

"You see, I was adopted by three women, somewhat identical sisters living together in the woods. Sonia, Danica, and Tina Hawthorne," Briar says.

"Adopted?" Crowley says, taking an interest.

"Yeah. And well, this is going to sound crazy but... I don't really remember much... Aunt Sonia found me wandering around when I was seven years old," Briar explains.

"You have memory loss?" Crowley asks.

"Yeah. In a way. I know it's strange, but I have very few memories about my past," Briar says.

Crowley simply nods his head.

"But after they found me, we all had a good life together. We do a lot together. Sonia was in a program that helped students with home school and she decided to home school me. Danica owns a catering business so I help her with the cooking from time to time. Tina works as a forest ranger where we live," Briar explains.

"I see," Crowley says.

"Yes. We were happy, but good things don't last forever. My aunt Sonia and Tina died in a car accident and Tina took care of me until she passed away a year ago. I lived in the house with the money they have and stuff, and tried to live the best I can,"Briar explains some more.

She sighs, "Then one day, when I was walking in the woods, I missed a step and slid down the hill side. And I hit my head. I have to guess after that, the carriage you were talking about must have found me and brought me here."

"That would explain by the events of earlier," Crowley says.

"I do have one clue however, and it's this necklace. I have had it since the day I was found and can't remember what it is, who gave it to me and such," Briar says.

"Mind if I see it?" Crowley asks.

"Sure," Briar says, and shows him the necklace around her neck.

Crowley has the necklace held on the palm of his hand to see the necklace around her neck.

"Hmmm..." Crowley thinks to himself.

"What's wrong?" Briar asks.

Crowley says, "It's nothing too serious. Your necklace does seem rather familiar to me, but I'm not entirely sure where."

"You've seen it before?" Briar asks.

"I believe so, but I'm afraid I don't remember where," Crowley says.

"I see," Briar says.

Then she asks, "Um sir, do you think I really have magic? I've never known nor was I even aware. Not that I can remember, either," Briar says.

"That I'm unsure. Which makes the situation even more complicated. You have sealed magical abilities, and it appears you're also an orphan. It will be considered troubling to send you back without a guardian," Crowley says.

But then Crowley says, "Truly, my grace is boundless."

"Huh?" Briar says, confused.

"Hmmmm..." Crowley says, thinking.

Then says, "Ah!" making Briar confused.

Crowley smiles and says, "There is a vacant building on this campus."

"Really?" Briar asks, interested.

"It was, in fact, used as a dorm a long time ago. With a proper cleaning, it should be habitable enough," Crowley says, much to Briar's relief.

Then Crowley says, "Out of the kindness of my heart, I will allow you to live there for the time being. In the meantime, we will investigate other ways to send you home."

Then says with pride, "Dear me, but I am a gracious man indeed! A model educator, one might say."

Briar looks at the Headmage with a confused look, "Um, okay."

Crowley crosses his arms with a smile and says, "Well then, I shall take you to your dorm straight away. It is an old building, but has plenty of character, one might say."

Briar nods her head in reply.

With that, Crowley escorts Briar to the dorm for the time being. Briar has to wonder what kind of dorm he is taking her, but do hope it's at least livable.

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