Chapter 14: To the Dwarf's Mine

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Moments later, the Dark Mirror has taken Briar, and the others to a dark night area known as the Silent Forest. The first is dark and spooky. Sereia is so nervous about being here that she is practically hugging Briar's legs. Even Trinket is nervous that she ducks herself inside Briar's hair.

Briar kneels down to Sereia, "It's okay Sereia."

Then has her eyes looking above where Trinket is, "You too Trinket."

As long as we stay together, we won't have too much trouble," Briar says.

"Okay," Sereia nervously says.

Trinket nervously answers in soft ringings.

"So this is the Dwarfs's Mine... Long ago, the mine was flush with magestones," Deuce says

Grim grows frightened, "Urgh... Who knows what luks in there now?"

"Well, it's best we start heading into the forest and find the mine," Briar says.

"You're right. We must find the mine to find the stone," Deuce says.

With that, the group begins to walk into the forest. Grim and Sereia make sure to remain close to Briar as the three humans walk through the forest.

Soon, Ace notices, "Look, I can see a house."

The group looks ahead to see a cottage in the middle of the woods. It's actually a little small, but has an open area. In front of it, is a small river with a small bridge going over it. There is even a stump that has an old ax on it.

"Let's go see what the people there have to say," Ace adds.

Agreeing to the idea, everyone walks towards the old house.

Briar knocks on the door, "Hello..."

So far, no one is answering.

Briar knocks on the door again, "Hello, can we come in?"

"Musty be empty," Deuce says.

Briar then gently grabs the door knob and turns it. There, she opens the door and walks inside. The others carefully follow after them. When they look around, they see a very small table, with very small chairs around it, a few wooden ones. There's a pickaxe on the table with a candle holder. There's a broomstick leaning by the fireplace, with a small pot hanging in the fireplace. There's a lot of dust, cobwebs, and there doesn't seem to be anyone here.

"It looks like it's been abandoned," Deuce says.

Grim looks around and soon ends up getting cobwebs on his face, "Bwah! I got spider cobwebs on my face!" Then begins to spit them out, "Ptchoo! Ptchtoo!"

Trinket looks around to see the dust. She then sneezes and is pushed back into a small cup close by that is lean to the side. She flies out and undusts herself.

Briar looks around to notice the small chairs, "Aww, look at these chairs. They're so cute and tiny."

"They look like they can be my size," Sereia says.

"You're right. Look how tiny these desks and chairs are. Did children live here?" Ace wonders.

Then begins to count them, "One, two... Seven!" adds in surprise, "It's like a clown car in here."

"When the mine was flourishing, this house must have been a lively place," Deuce says.

"Well, this isn't getting us anywhere. If we're gotta find a magestone, it'll be in the mine," Ace says.

"Hmm, maybe instead of seven children, but seven Dwarfs. I've noticed a few pick axes lying around," Briar says.

"You might be right. This place probably belonged to the dwarfs who were mining the stones from the mine," Sereia says.

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