Chapter 1

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A/N Hey there! This is a new 1D fan fiction by me ^-^ Hope you guys like it because this takes forever to do! But i love writing so Its all worth it! Enjoy! ~Jen


I stared at the computer screen that was slowly loading the page. My best friend Jane squealed as the results pulled up on the page. I stared dumbfounded as Jane was dancing around the room.

"WE ARE GOING TO SEE ONE DIRECTION LIVE!!" She yelled throwing her arms in the air. Jane is probably one of the biggest One Direction fan alive. I on the other hand, literally just found out about them when Jane begged me to sign up with her in a contest to see the band live.

"Do you know how stupid you look right now?' Jane stopped dancing to stare back at me.

"You know, Mari, if you knew how BEAUTIFUL these guys are, you would be as excited too." she walks two steps, slips on my tee shirt I had left on the floor, and falls on her back

"But I'm not. So chill the fuck down." I told her laughing. She stands up and walks over to the screen.

"So where are our sea.....?” She slowly cuts herself off as her eyes winded " Oh.....My..... God!!"

"What?!? What?!?" I said looking back trying to find what she was freaking over.


"Jane your right next to my ear..." I whined, rubbing my ear.

I print out the tickets and hand them to Jane. "I can’t believe this! I can finally meet my future husband! What should I wear? What should I say? Mari we have to go shopping ASAP! We're going tomorrow, no exceptions!" She grabs her purse and runs out. I just chuckle as I hear the front door slam close. "Maybe it won’t be so bad?” I thought to myself "You'll never know, you might actually have fun.” responded the little voice in my head. Boy was I wrong.

~~~Day of the Concert~~~

"Oh my god Marie I can't believe I finally get to see them live then in person! This is the best day of my life! I love you!" Jane gives me a bear hug as we slowly move up the line. We have been here over an hour and the line finally starts to move. Thank god only a few more people were ahead of us to the front entrance amazingly.

"Stop it Jane you’re crushing my lungs!"

"Sorry I'm just so excited!!!" Her sequels as we reach the front. We hand the security guard our tickets and he hands us our back stage passes as he confers that the tickets are real.

"Back stage is to your left, once the concert is over you may return to the back stage for the after party."

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