Chapter 8

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Sup guys! So I had a lot of drama and studying and sickness this week, so I’m not in the best mood to write, so sorry if this chapter sucks >_< But for you guys I will still write! Enjoy Lovelies!


I turn around and see curly brown hair and green eyes walking right behind me. He has a big grin on his face as we both sit down onto the boat.

"What are you so happy about" I giggled.

"Nothing." He says stretching out the word, putting his arm around me. I turn around to look behind me before entering the tunnel. Niall was getting on the next boat with a fake blond, horribly tanned girl. I laugh at his expression when the girl screeches with excitement, clinging onto his arm. Harry turns around and laughed with me.

"Aww poor Niall." I turn back around as we enter the dark tunnel. Inside was a faint glow of red and pink that illuminated from hearts and baby cupids plastered all over the walls. I stared at toy baby cupids that hung from the roof with what looks like clouds that are somewhat a peach color.

"You know, the tunnel is prettier on Valentine’s Day." Says Harry, now looking at me.

"And how do you know?" I look back at him with an eyebrow raised. I assumed that his face went red.

"Umm.... you know... like dates.... not like I go on any....I mean I have but... not a lot..." he managed to stutter out. I just laugh as he tries to cover his face with his hair from embarrassment.

"For a total player, you’re so awkward." His expression. Priceless.

"What? I'm not a player! That's just an image for the tabloids!" 

"Sure" I laughed. He just smiles at me and leans in closer.

"You know, I might not be a player, but I do flirt." He leans in closer, but my head moves back a bit.

"You know you’re one of the coolest girls I’ve ever meet." He leans even more forward.

Too bad I didn't lean back far enough because he manages to plant a kiss on my lips. His lips were soft and warm. I kept my eyes open because I was so surprised. I could feel my face burn by the second. I push him off gently and his face now looks as red as the lighting. 

We both turn around now looking at the wall, trying not to look back at each other in embarrassment. The tunnel finally ends as everyone was waiting for us. The boys who went before us started to make fun of us once we exited the boat.

"Ooooo Hazza and Mari are getting it ONN!" laughs Louis. I could feel my face get red and slap him on the arm. He gasps and pretends to cry on Eleanor’s shoulder, who is laughing as hard as the rest of us. A minute later, Niall and the fake blond show up. Niall has lipstick marks on his cheek but has a face of terror. When the both come off the girl plants him another kiss and he pushes her off.

"See you soon babe." Stretching the last word. She winks at him and walks off. I don't think I have ever seen a boy more frightened in his life. Or have I laughed as hard. Ever. 

"So Niall how was Fake-Tan-Blondie over there?" I say, trying to hold in my laugh. Everyone stood behind me, doing kissy faces at him. Niall grabs his sleeve and roughly tries to wipe off the lipstick off his cheek.

"It was TERRIBLE! I told her as we got on the boat that I didn't want to do anything but she gave me a crushing hug kissing me on the cheek multiple times!" I laugh really loudly with the rest.

"Niall I think you have been raped." His face of terror didn't change.

"Can we just go home?!?" He says angrily after we began to start doing kissy faces at him again.

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