Chapter 5

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I don't know what to write :P


Oh i just remebered! This chapter and the next few (maybe) are going to have alot of flashbacks to fill up the time that was skipped from the first two chapters. It's all going to make sense in the end so enjoy!



*Niall POV*

"MARIE!!" My voice cracks. I sit back down on the seat. I look down to my phone. I and Harry have been calling her cellphone the whole time. We took a break after we both have tried about 20 times and tried calling her name out the window while driving around. I have also been texting Naomi to see if she had any more information on where Marie might be. My phone buzzed in my lap.

From: Naomi

Have you found her yet??

To: Naomi

No :( Do you know where their date was supposed to be at?

From: Naomi

Le Brueges restaurant

"Louis go to Le Brueges restaurant" I told him as I received the message. The restaurant wasn't too far from where we were so we arrived in just a matter of minutes. Once Louis parks the car we all jump out and run into the restaurant. A woman was at the front who was packing up and getting ready to leave.

"Sorry boys, the restaurant is closing up..."

"We're not here to eat." Louis let out a mini gasp. I turn around and glare at Louis whose face changes from enjoyment to seriousness.

"Lou this is serious......!"

"She looks like this." Harry walks up with his phone to the woman. It had a photo of Harry and Marie. She was laughing at the camera while Harry had his arm around her, smiling. My heart twinge at the sight of that photo. I took that photo a couple of weeks ago, when she was barely adjusting to here.

"Oh I think I’ve seen her leave with her date around two hours ago." Harry's and my jaw drop. If they left two hours ago, that means he DOES have her hostage. He is probably torturing her as we speak!  A tear threatened to come out. Louis steps up and grabs my shoulder.

"Do you happen to know where they might have gone?" He asks concernly.

"No I don't, I’m sorry. Is something wrong?" Anger bubbles up inside me.

"Yes there is." I say angrily under my breath.

"Mate calm down. We think her date was the madman that was all over the news." I calm down a bit but I hang my head, now looking at the tile floor.

"Oh, well do you want me to call the police for you?"

"No we already have our mate doing that, but thank you." We all walk out of the restaurant and climb into the car. I look out the car window and watch the houses pass by. It was well past midnight, so there was no traffic. Oh Marie I hope your OK.


Marie was sitting outside with a soda in her hand. By the looks of it, she was thinking about something. I walk out and sit next to her.

"Hey. Whatcha doing out here?"

"Hey, Nothing just thinking."

"About what?"

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