Chapter 9

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*Marie’s POV*



My jaw dropped.

“I dare you to… kiss….” There was no way that I was going to kiss anybody. Not after what happened earlier. Everything will become just even more complicated and awkward.

“One of the lad’s foot! Of my choice!” I relaxed a little until I processed what Zayn had just said.

“What?!?!” Niall, Harry, and I yell out. Zayn just sits back with a smug look while Lou and Liam laugh extremely hard.

“I am not doing that!” I stated.

“Fine then. PUNISHMENT!” He yells out. Oh God.

“If you don’t do the task you have to do my bidding.” I glare at him.

“For a WEEK.”

“Aw hell naw!” This just causes everyone to laugh even harder. I reluctantly gave in and accepted the dare. Zayn stares at Harry who was still, and the only one laughing. My eyes widened. First his lips, now his foot. Zayn stares at him until he noticed.


“Take off your shoe, mate” Harry looks at him, dumbfounded, but reluctantly took off his shoe and peeled off his sock. Lou and Zayn were giggling when I made a face at the foot.

“There is no way I’m doing this.”

“Fine then. SLAVE!” I jump when he shouts.

“Make me a sandwich!” Lou, Liam and Zayn burst into laughter until they noticed I was glaring at them with anger. Sadly, I had to do the dare. I have never backed out of a dare. Ever. I quickly kissed Harry's toe then gagged. I run upstairs to the bathroom and washed my mouth with the whole bottle of mouthwash. I could hear them all still laughing downstairs. I locked the door and I hear a knock not to long after.

“Marie? It’s Niall… open up” I open the door and I see the blond standing there.

“What do you want?” I say with a growl.

“I just wanted to see if you were alright. You know, for kissing my best mate's foot.” I relax a little.

“Don’t worry, I’ve been through worse. Literally” He laughs.

“Well I’m going to bed. The lads decided it was enough for tonight. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight Nialler.” He walks down the hall into his room. Just then, Harry appears from the dark hallway.

"Marie I'm sooo sorry Zayn made you do that!"

“It’s OK! Really! I have done much worse dares before and I definitely DON’T want to be his slave for a week.” Harry laughs.

“Well my toe liked your kiss.” I laugh with him.

“And to think, I barely knew you guys for two days and it already seems like we’re all been best friends since forever.”

“Yea. It’s strange how things change so fast. Oh well, goodnight Marie.” He starts walking down the hallway. He turns around quickly and looks back.

“Oh, and I wasn’t kidding about earlier. I do really think you’re pretty. And I’d really like to go on a date.” He blushes furiously. I feel my face get red too.

“Umm sorry Harry, But like I said, I don’t like you in that way. I barely know you guys. Give me a few days to think about it.” My face seems to get redder with every word.

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