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CB was awoken by the sound of car doors closing. He jumped up and looked out the window. He watched the family but they stayed at the car for a while. Then the mom opened the fourth door and she brought out a box with a barred gate. CB could not see what it was. The kid was jumping up and down just trying to get a glance into the box as many times as he can. "What could be more exciting than me" CB thought. As the family was walking to the door, CB ran to the door to make sure he was the first thing they saw. The family walked in and CB meowed as they walked right passed him. They place the box in the middle of the living room floor. CB ran to the gathered family and started rubbing himself against them. The boy noticed CB and said "we got you a brother CB." "A what!" CB thought. The boy instantly opened the cage and the new face appeared.

The cat that jumped over the moonWhere stories live. Discover now