♤6. Meeting an Old and New Friend♤

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"Y/n-chan~ our precious baby~" Gojo sang as soon as he spotted the black blob not far away.

His arms widespread, ready to embrace the girl with his whole heart until he managed to do so. He rubbed his cheeks to hers affectionately while they twirled around, Y/n being carried at this point.

"Kyaa! You're so cute~"

"Sensei..." Nobara coldly called out.

Gojo stopped and looked at her. "Yes--"

"You have one second to let Y/n go." Maki warned.

Seeing deadly dark aura coming out of his first year and second year students, he laughed. "Oh, you five. You're already hogging her everyday, this sensei rarely even see my precious student."

"So what?" Nobara asked, cracking her knuckles. "What makes you think We'll entrust our child to you?"

Y/n, who was still in the embrace of Gojo tugged his sleeve.

"What is it, sweet pea?" He asked.

Y/n tried to ask where Yuji is. But her gestures were clearly can't define him properly. Even so, Gojo still knew what she meant.

"Alright! It's my time to hog this baby today!" He decides with a jolly smile.

"Gojo-sensei!!" The group yelled as the man child started skip stepping with a dorky laugh carrying Y/n with him.

"We'll be back probably this weekend ~ bye~" and Gojo disappeared.

It was so quick that Y/n didn't have time to move as she was bride carried somewhere else. All she could feel was the quick air knocking off of her before Gojo announced.

"Tada~ we're here!" He said with a jolly voice.

"G-Gojo-sensei?! Wait! Y/n?!" Itdori exclaimed from shock.

Currently, he was standing with Ichiji in the corridor as they finalized their plan on trying to investigate a boy named Junpei. They were just about to leave the premise as well.

But to their surprise, Gojo suddenly appeared carrying one of his students.

When Y/n saw Yuuji, the girl immediately got off from Gojo and ran towards the other, holding his cheeks with her prosthetic hands.

Her empty eyes stared at the soul she had not seen for weeks making sure that she saw right. She squeezed his cheek tighter with her cold palm.

"Y-Y/n..." Yuuji called out trying to calm down.

He doesn't remember much after swapping with Sukuna, but he knew that Y/n faced him since they were on the same place that time too. Gojo also told him that Sukuna fought with her and after knocking her out and taking her as hostage, he then fought Megumi.

He bit his lower lip as he watch her stare and soon enveloped the girl closer with a tight embrace.

"I'm glad you're okay!"

Y/n flinched from his shout and instinctively covered her ears but did not resist the embrace. She was used to having cuddles with the others anyways.

After a few seconds--or when Gojo cleared his throat, the two had finally separated. Yuuji happily looked at his classmate but noticed her covering her ears. "Hm?" He hummed. "What's wrong, Y/n?" He asked.

The young man watched the nonchalant female slowly begin to frown at him. Then suddenly, she began to pout.

Itadori blinked twice, his eyes was widening and his mouth began to fall open. "Y-y-y-Y/n?!" He exclaimed.

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