♤12. Formation B♤

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It was a really hot day in the middle of the busy city. People walked from different directions either holding their phones, drinking coffee or just plainly minding their own problems at hand. The scent of sun and asphalt lingers together with the noises of different contributors in the place. Bustling and noisy.

That time... Gojo seemed to have dragged the children through his nonsensical adventure spree. There was nothing else they could do but suffer the hellish heat.

The young jujutsu first years came out together for some reason, and of all things to wear, it had to be the black uniform which attracts the heat double more than any other color.

"It's so hot!" Kujisaki complained as she sat on a bench, fanning herself with her hand beads of sweat already formed in her temples. 

"Yeah, really." Gojo sighed. "Megumi~ do us a favor and buy some ice cream." he waved his very rare elite-like credit cards... those black ones... to the boy who was only quietly standing on the side under the same shade of a tree with an 'I don't give a fuck' look in his half-lidded eyes.

Fushiguro sighed, took the money and left. Yuji followed and Y/n tailed them, leaving the teacher and student on the bench, suffering the extraordinary heat.

The three entered the convenient store one by one as a conversation was raised. Different from the scent outside, Y/n sniffed the pleasant air with glee inside the convenient store as she began to go to her own adventures. Smelling the sandwiches on the store area with a satisfied look as if a gentle angel smelling the scent of lilies.

"Do you want this?" A man, wearing a white uniform asked. There was a sleepless look in his eyes but he still gave out a gentle façade and a kind smile around him.

Y/n turned to the odd soul and noticed the ominous aura behind him. It was a murky and heavy feeling, making one at a rate of unease. Although normal humans are unable to notice this abnormalities, they would subconsciously have different reaction facing this person. The small detail of aura was overwhelming that immediately let the girl think about that Sukuna inside Yuji. But the person was still human so the girl decided not to pay any mind to it.

Even without saying anything, the person still bought the sandwich for her. He handed the pack and waved. "It's nice to meet you, say hi to Fushiguro for me." He said and left.

Y/n watch him leave and finally saw the two arguing over what ice cream flavor to get for Y/n. The girl stepped forward and finally showed herself, seeing as these two didn't go into the final conclusions and turned to find the person nibbling on the fragrant sandwich.

Both Yuji and Megumi were confused. Y/n could not have bought the sandwich, right? But why is it packed?

"Did someone bought this for you?" Yuji asked.

Y/n replied an 'um', followed by a small nod as she finishes her meal.

"Listen Y/n, don't easily accept what people give you next time." Yuji said. "You know, maybe they are dangerous guys that was lurking you and then suddenly take you away, you know."

While explaining, he also gave a lot of examples of different kidnapping scenarios. Y/n only stared at him, tilting her head while listening to him blabber.

"You understand?" Yuji finally ended.

"Um." Y/n replied.

The young man turned his head to seek agreement with Fushiguro about his kidnapping warning, but before he could say anything, Yuji suddenly pause. In front of the young raven was a female with a sweet smile. As she spoke inaudible, Fushiguro seemed to be entertaining her with a polite low voice.

A girl talking to Fushiguro? A girl? This only meant one thing, and one thing only! He's getting hit on!

Connecting the dots, Yuji knew he could not stop this alone and needed the guidance of his adult teacher, he immediately ran away, leaving Y/n confused. But the girl didn't move from her position and waited.

Not passing by another minute, three souls were running really fast approaching their direction.

Like flash, their movements were like a blur in the people's eyes.

She then heard Gojo's voice. "Formation B!"

The two other affirmed and suddenly jumped into Megumi, crying and clingy. Y/n simply stared and observed.

She watched the white mists do some movements and spoke. "Go away, you homewreckers!" Gojo, joined the scuffle, seemingly in a new form. Suddenly talking dramatic nonsense as he usually do. "Come, it's time for your piano class." He called.

"Please ignore them. The station is that way." Megumi apologetically pointed to his left as the lady gave a bow and gratefully retreated.

Y/n felt like she needed to say something when the silence became big. But due to lack of vocabulary, she could only mumble an: "Um." and became quiet again.

The young raven male looked at his comrades asking for an explanation. Meanwhile, Gojo made a pose, his finger slowly pointing his accusation towards Yuji who paled. Nobara, and Gojo pulled Y/n away while Yuji was punched at the back of his head in turn.

"Ah, it's really hot in here." Nobara sighed, holding the cool prosthetic hand of Y/n.

Y/n, who have a sense of touch, of course can now tell the feeling of being 'hot'. However, she didn't know how to react to this type of weather unlike touching the fire or a hot pot.

She only followed Nobara's example of fanning herself with her hand. She did the same and felt a slight cold air swept through her cheeks.

This finding made her a little ecstatic. The slight cool feeling from the fanning of air actually feels nice in such a hot weather. However, the fascination lasted after feeling that it really didn't matter weather she feels hot or cold. 

"Y-n~ my youngest child, have some ice cream." Gojo presented a (whaterver you want) flavored ice cream. Y/n accepted the sweets, opened her mouth and took a bite.

The cold swept through her teeth and suddenly felt a rushing numbness in her head. But ignorant as she is, decided to take another bite, finishing it in one sitting.

"No, Y/n, no!" Gojo exclaimed feeling terrified.

It's normal to bite down ice cream. But it's not normal to finish it in two bites, okay?! Even he felt the pain on his own teeth when he watched his student eat it like a piece of meat. 

"You don't eat ice cream like that, okay?" Yuji immediately explained. "You hold the cone like this." He guided the young girl and Y/n listened with pure ignorance. "The you eat it slowly. Don't chew, let it melt in you tongue.(author bouta say 'you lick it or suck it' and it sounded so wrong especially when your brain has a vast field of greenery as mine.)"

Y/n followed instructions. Ate the ice cream in a patient manner as instructed. But it melted in her prosthetic hand after melting from the heat.  In order to avoid making a mess, she gobbled the entire thing in two bites again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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