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*we only see each other at weddings and funerals*

The bright lights made Skyler have to blink her eyes a few times, and she slowly sat up. She knew now not to quickly get up, even if it had been a few days since she finally woke up from the Freezer.

Pogo and Grace had explained everything to her; why she was put in the Freezer, what it did to her body, why she was in pain, why she looked like her 13 year old self, and how long it had been since she first entered the room. 16 whole years.

Skyler had a mental breakdown when she heard the number. The amount of time she had left her siblings by themselves, right after Ben died and Five disappeared. They'd lost three of their siblings, and Skyler cried for them. By then, all of them would be grown up.

Unlike her, who for some reason was still a kid. Pogo had explained that the Freezer broke and something went wrong, and had stunted her growth. Or something like that, Skyler hadn't fully been listening to his explanation.

Skyler wondered what Reginald had told her siblings when she was isolated. She hoped that he didn't tell them the real reason that she almost died, they would never forgive her.

The teenager groaned as she sat up fully, still being in a bit of pain from the Freezer. The cold atmosphere in the Freezer made her body very stiff, and even though she's used to the cold, that didn't mean it didn't have a negative effect on her. Especially considering she had been in there for 16 years.

When Skyler was told this information, she was scared her powers and her strength would be impacted. Would she not be as strong as before? Would her powers malfunction? But Pogo had explained in their very VERY long talk that she should feel better in a few days, and she'll be at her full potential in no time.

The girl rubbed her eyes as her feet met the ground, and she groaned again at the pain in her head and body. Skyler slowly stood up, praying that she didn't have a fainting spell (something she had since she awoke from the Freezer, another thing that Pogo said would go away in a few days).

"Hello Ms. Skyler," a old and rough voice said from her room's doorway. The teenager looked up to see the very ape she had talked to last night to get answers.

"Hey Pogo," Skyler greeted, squinting her eyes at the light. She rubbed her eyes once again and finally, when she opened them, the light didn't bother her. "Is everyone downstairs?"

The ape nodded his head before leaving to let the girl get changed. Another thing that Pogo had told her was that Reginald had passed away. At the time, Skyler had been sad, but now, she just felt numb. She hated that man, all her siblings did. He got what he deserved.

She walked to her small closet and frowned at the contents. The only thing that was in there were her Umbrella Academy uniforms. Skyler groaned, but she had nothing else that she could wear, so she took the ancient uniform and decided that it would have to do.

It had been 16 years since her siblings had last seen her, and her memories were a bit fuzzy (another side effect). How would they react to her being back?


All the remaining Hargreeves siblings sat in the den awkwardly, waiting for someone to say something. Number One, Luther, had called a family meeting about Dad's funeral service, but he hadn't said anything.

Everyone sat away from each other. Diego in a chair, Vanya on one end of the couch, Luther sitting on the couch opposite Vanya, Allison in another chair with a drink in hand, and Klaus, Number Four, preparing drinks at the bar.

"Um... I guess we should get this started," Luther said, breaking the awkward tension and standing up from the couch.

"So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at Dad's favorite spot."

frozen over (five hargreeves x oc) [1]Where stories live. Discover now