Chapter - 63 Ernest and Evelyn (Part -1)

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"Life is very unpredictable. We cannot imagine what can happen to us in the next second..."

Happy Reading 😊

The cool breeze was stirring her yellow suit and touching her face and neck, and her waist-length hair was flowing across her features. The weather had turned into rainy season all of sudden as the sky had become pitch black and large clouds were hovering over her head. In no time it started raining very heavily, and heavenly earthy smell of soil came into her nostril. Standing on a balcony, she was wondering what phase she had gone through yesterday, and about Ernest's behavior as why his behavior suddenly got changed towards her.

"I think, he has some feeling for you."

"Because when I told him that I will take care of you last night, he hurriedly refused me while saying that he himself will take care of you."

Her trance broke hearing thundering sound.

"Does he really feel something for me as Sushma aunty said?" she asked herself.

"No, Ruhi. It can't be happen because he is just regretting and feeling guilty that's why he is caring and behaving gently with you, and why would he suddenly feel something for you? You are no special for him as he will feel something for you," her inner voice mocked on her.

She shake her head in no, "I have to just focus on my aim, and this job until he is here and stay away from him. "

She said, perhaps she herself has started feeling something for him but she doesn't want to accept it.


Edwin's Office


"Now, tell me, Edwin!"

"Granny, Ernest didn't love her ever."

"What? How can you say that, Edwin? Didn't you see the news when Evelyn had announced their relationship on her fashion show success party. That night I was very happy for Ernest. But at the same time, I was very sad for my Elena as she had lost her eyes in an accident at the same night."

"Granny, you don't know the complete truth, that's why you were happy with that news. Let me tell you whatever I know."

"Ok, tell me. I am hearing."

"As you know, Ernest and Evelyn had known each other since college days but she did not know the truth about Ernest being Crown Prince."

"Yes, we know that," Said Alice.

"But, do you know Evelyn loved Ernest since her college days? but he just considered her only as a friend."

"No, we don't know that she loved him since that time, but I don't know about Edward."

"He also didn't know about that till that success party," said Edwin and continued," Actually, one day when they both had gone to dinner. There, she suddenly proposed him while saying, she loves him and Ernest got shocked to know her feeling for him but he clearly refused her while saying, as he doesn't have any time for all these things."

"But, How did they end up in relationship when he had already refused her?" Alice asked.

"Because she was very stubborn with her nature. She said to him, Ernest, I will not come in between your work. I know how important your career is to you and you are preparing for a startup too. I want to support you by being with you like always but this time by being your girlfriend.... If you will not accept my proposal, I will chasing you until you will accept me."

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