Chapter 44 - Bai Family

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Chapter 44 – Bai Family

“Mr Bai, Mr Bai! Can we ask, did Mr Qiu really help you repay 5 million yuan!?”

“What’s the reason? Is it because of Mr Bai Lang’s connection? Could it be that you already knew about the two people’s relationship a long time ago!?”

“If you knew about it and didn’t approve of it, then why did you still take Mr Qiu’s money!? Can you please explain!?”

“Or was it only that you didn’t find out until afterwards, Mr Bai!? Now that you know, shouldn’t you repay this 5 million to Mr Qiu ah!?”

“Yesterday your mother said that now the two of you don’t owe each other anything, is she talking about this 5 million!?”

“Can we ask what Mr Bai does for a living? 5 million is not a small sum, have you thought of an appropriate plan to repay the money?” 

“After hiring someone to beat up Mr Bai Lang, aren’t you scared that Mr Qiu will come to chase his debt ma!?”

“It seems like Mr Bai Lang hasn’t decided to press criminal charges. Mr Bai, do you think he will go to the authorities or not!?”

After the news about his borrowing money was exposed, Bai Li was surrounded by over ten journalists waiting in ambush as soon as he stepped out from his home. This scene was even more grand than the day before. Bai Li couldn’t stand the pressure and immediately backed back into the house and shut the door, however the sounds of the questions being yelled from the corridor outside could still be heard.

“Mr Bai, Mr Bai!? Don’t shut the door ah!! Come out and answer some questions…”

“Mother Bai is in the house right!? Can she please come out so we can interview her….”

“Also what is Father Bai’s opinion!? Is Father Bai the same as you two and doesn’t accept Bai Lang….”

The were peng-peng-peng sounds on the door, it was really quite aggressive.

Bai Li backed into the living room with a pale expression. Mother Bai and Father Bai also heard the commotion and came over looking worried.

“They, they are still outside?” Father Bai asked in a weak voice. “Isn’t this time to finish work? How come they’re still there?”

“Are you stupid? Do you think journalists work regular hours!?” Bai Li’s mood was extremely bad and lashed out. “Mom, why did you talk like that yesterday? It makes things impossible for me to refute. Look, they’ve grabbed onto your words and are using it to make trouble!”

“Didn’t I do it for you?” Mother Bai also got angry. “When I heard that that wretched fellow wants you to repay the 5 million, it made me so angry. Just asking him to sponsor a little bit of money and he still wants it back!? He’s definitely sick in the head. Isn’t that also why you hired someone to go talk to him?”

When Mother Bai said this, Bai Li’s angry face slowly changed to embarrassment.

Of course he had not told his parents that he had accepted money to find someone to beat Bai Lang up. The excuse he had given them was that Bai Lang had asked him to repay the 5 million and he only hired someone to go have a chat with him. He didn’t expect that that person would use violence. So everything was just a misunderstanding and an accident.

When Mother Bai heard about repaying money, she immediately panicked. All her thoughts were filled with these things. To this day she had not forgotten about Bai Lang’s suggestion of using her two precious apartments to pay the debt.

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