Extra 2

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Extra 2

The first time Rong Zan spoke to Qiu XiaoHai was on the first day of school.

The reason was very simple, because they sat on the same table in kindergarten.

However the initial impression that Qiu XiaoHai gave Rong Zan wasn’t very good. Because he didn’t bring the crayons he needed for the morning’s drawing class. When the teacher asked everyone to take out their crayons, Qiu XiaoHai’s face was filled with confusion as he looked left and right.

At that time Rong Zan wasn’t familiar with Qiu XiaoHai. So even though he noticed something wasn’t quite right with him, he didn’t pay any mind and just opened his own pencil case.

Not until the kindergarten teacher discovered the blankly staring Qiu XiaoHai. She walked over, bent down and asked, “Did your mommy not pack it for you? Teacher wrote it in the notification letter oh.” At this time, Qiu XiaoHai only opened his eyes wide, shook his head and didn’t say anything.

The teacher also didn’t ask too many questions. She patted Qiu XiaoHai’s head and told the neighbouring Rong Zan to share with him and for the two people to draw together.

It was the first day at school so Rong Zan wasn’t used to sharing with others. He had been raised up by his family as a precious treasure; all the toys, books and drawings he had was his alone. Rong Zan frowned and felt a bit unhappy. He thought that this time Qiu XiaoHai’s mommy forgot so next time it would be better to remind him.

Rong Zan who had been very logical and methodical from childhood thought for a while then made up his mind. He then obediently and quietly continued his drawing.

It was only that when it came to the afternoon, after finishing lunch and when it was time for the midday nap, the teacher once again discovered that Qiu XiaoHai had also not brought a blanket.

This has been mentioned in the notifications. Because blankets were personal items, in the interest of maintaining hygiene, although the school provided blankets for sale, they were not responsible for taking care of them or cleaning them. So every Monday, the school required parents to bring a freshly cleaned blanket. And because it was the first day of school, the blanket was naturally new. But parents would still need to purchase it beforehand and bring it to school for safekeeping.

So the teacher bent over again and said in a coaxing voice, “Did you also not bring a blanket? Teacher wrote everything in the letter. Today when you go home you need to remind your mommy to look over it again oh.” Since it was the first day, these types of small incidents were not uncommon.

Rong Zan, who was sitting next to Qiu XiaoHai and listening, immediately got a wooden face. Right now Rong Zan was already frowning inwardly, he thought it can’t be that I have to share a blanket with him too? Other than mommy and daddy, he had never slept with another person before, could he tell the teacher that he didn’t want to…..

Qiu XiaoHai scratched his face. He twisted and turned restlessly. “I don’t know ah, I don’t have a mommy oh.”

When he said this, not only did the teacher’s face slightly change but even Rong Zan’s gaze also swept over.

The five year old Rong Zan already knew quite a lot of words. Because the Rong family looked highly upon education, Rong Zan had already commenced some extra-curricular reading. So Rong Zan knew that everyone was supposed to have a daddy and mommy, if they were missing one then it was something that was not very good. When he tried to think about it, Rong Zan couldn’t imagine what life would be like if either daddy or mommy wasn’t there.

However Qiu XiaoHai actually didn’t have a mommy…. Rong Zan looked at the restless looking Qiu XiaoHai, for some reason he had a very apologetic feeling in his heart. When he thought about his secret unhappiness from before, this time he didn’t wait for the teacher to open her mouth but suddenly said, “We can sleep together.”

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