Chapter 50 - Within Three Years

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Chapter 50 – Within Three Years

When the long, long story was finished, Bai Lang’s tears had already soaked through the collar of Qiu Qian’s pajamas.

As he spoke, maybe because the immense pressure in his heart finally found a source of relief, Bai Lang’s tears couldn’t stop flowing out.

After finishing talking and crying, Bai Lang really had a sense of exhaustion and relief. However at the same time, logic returned to his brain.

“If you don’t believe me, that’s okay.” Bai Lang burrowed himself into Qiu Qian’s chest. His voice was hoarse. “I just thought I should tell you. I should have told you earlier….”

At this time Qiu Qian only continued to hold Bai Lang’s hand. For a long time he didn’t speak.

In the few minutes that passed, only Bai Lang’s hoarse breathing could be heard in the darkness. Bai Lang also didn’t say anything more, only sighing slightly as he calmed his feelings down. He wanted to withdraw, however this movement caused Qiu Qian, who had been holding him the whole time, to suddenly tighten his arms. He forcefully embraced Bai Lang and pulled him back onto his chest.

Beside Bai Lang’s ear, a vibration came through the warm chest he was pressed against.

“I believe you.”

Bai Lang froze. He listened as Qiu Qian continued.

“But everything won’t be the same…. except for that umbrella I held up for you in your past life. This life I will still be the one holding it.”

With these words, Bai Lang’s tears flowed out again. He closed his eyes and burrowed his face deeper into Qiu Qian’s chest.


“So I’ll definitely be well. You too, and also Xiao Hai.” The strong arm held Bai Lang tightly and he spoke as though making an oath. “Because in this life, we didn’t miss each other.”

“….. en.” Bai Lang agreed again. He didn’t know that Qiu Qian could also be poetic.

“That Kang Jian, I’ll take care of him down the road. So you don’t need to cry anymore.”

When he said this, Bai Lang laughed through his tears.

He used Qiu Qian’s pajamas to messily wipe his tears dry and then Bai Lang struggled to raise his head. His eyes, which had been made swollen and red by crying, looked at Qiu Qian.

“… I love you.”

The arms around Bai Lang’s body tightened even further.

“Me too, little white rabbit.”


From that day forward, Qiu Qian no longer became angry or impatient during rehabilitation. Step by step, he progressed steadily and obediently followed the instructions the doctors gave him.

He had determination, optimism and cooperated fully. As long as there was still a thread of hope, he wouldn’t let Bai Lang down.

As his illness slowly stabilized, Qiu Qian relocated to D country. This country was the top in the field of rehabilitative medicine, and here he continued to receive the most comprehensive and cutting edge treatment. Bai Lang and Qiu XiaoHai accompanied him the whole way. After two years , Qiu Qian finally and miraculously was able to recover a walking ability similar to normal people. Even his athletic ability would only be slightly behind normal people.

During this time, Qiu Qian also didn’t delay to take care of the perpetrators behind the car “accident”.

Qiu EnXin’s second wife Ji Yi.

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