Can you really not see me?

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me while writing a one shot: now reality can be whatever i want.


warnings: kinda sad


You were a part of the Avengers a little over a year now, and you loved them dearly. You could control air and water. That was your superpower. Anyone except for The Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. had no idea that you even existed. 

You had lost a lot in you seventeen year old life. Your parents, your brother, your sister, your aunt and uncle, your only love. The worst part, they were killed in front of your eyes by H.Y.D.R.A. to torture you. 

One day The Avengers rescued you. They taught you most of the things. You were only 10 when you were taken after all. They taught you to cook, to smile, to interact with people again. You were very grateful for them. They were your family.

Tony was like your dad, you went to him for every little problem you had. Pepper was like your mother. You saw Nat as you aunt. Thor, Clint, Sam, Bucky and Steve were like your brothers. Happy, Bruce, Rhodey and even J.A.R.V.I.S. were like your uncles. 

You now had a big happy family and you would do anything for them


All The Avengers, including you, were called on an important mission: taking down one of the most important H.Y.D.R.A. base

You had Nat as your partner. The moment you all stepped out of the quintjet, you had noticed that you were outnumbered. You and Nat somehow made your way into the base. A bullet had grazed your shoulder and Nat's arm was scrapped. 

"You okay?" Nat asked eyeing your shoulder.

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt that much. You?"

"I'm fine. Let's go"

You nodded your head and went after her.

"Is anybody in the base yet?" you heard in your earpiece 

"We are." we both replied

We turned several turns, killed many people in the way, until we went into a room and started hearing static in our earpieces. We took them off as it was blocking one of our senses and went further in the room. There were two people in that room, their guns aimed at us. Nat quickly shot one in the head while the other hid behind a metal shelf that was beside her. Nat shot him as well but a the last moment, the man pushed the shelf towards her. by that time Nat was facing me and wasn't aware that the shelf was falling. I pushed her out of the way but I got my leg stuck under the shelf instead. 

"Are you crazy or what? Why did you do that?" She asked coming towards me and trying to lift the shelf but it was too heavy.

"It would have crushed your head if you didn't move. It's too heavy, i think you should get Steve, Thor or Wanda to lift it."

"I can't just leave you here. What if more H.Y.D.R.A agents come here?"

"You can't stay here either. And I'll be fine, I have my gun with me." I gave her the best reassuring look I could muster at the moment, because I am pretty sure my leg was broken.   

"Okay, stay here. I'll go get help." 


It had been roughly 15 minuets when I hears something like an explosion. I had lost a lot of blood by now. I was 99% sure that it was a big explosive that went off. The other 1% of me just didn't want to believe. 

After just a few seconds, the walls of the room started cracking. I tried my hardest to move the shelf, but it wouldn't budge. Black spots crowded my vision. I tried my hardest to fight against the darkness, but I guess I was too weak. The last thing I saw was the roof finally breaking before the darkness took over.


I could feel something on top of me. It was really heavy and sharp from some parts. I opened my eyes and saw darkness. there was no source of light. I would never admit it, but I was really scared. I called out for someone, anyone at this point.  I tried to push some of the debris off of me and found that it was really light. I pushed off all the debris I could and saw the cursed shelf still on my leg. I huffed and tried to lift it again to get my leg out, and surprisingly it wasn't as heavy as it was before. I got my leg out and stood up. the weirdest thing was that I couldn't feel any pain. I could see the scrapes and cuts on my arms, I could feel that my shoulder was dislocated, I could also feel the broken bone in my leg. But I just couldn't feel any pain.

I made my way out, and saw  that the quintjet was not where it was supposed to be. 

Did they leave me here? They wouldn't. Natasha knew where I was. They'll come back for me-

I turned around and saw the completely destroyed base, with only a few walls still standing.

-unless they thought i was dead.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

The Avengers think I'm dead.

I have no way home.

I have some kind of super strength now.

I can't feel pain.

And I'm really scared.

Well maybe I can fly home. Yeah I'll do just that.


Using my powers continuously, used to exhaust me in a couple of hours. But right now, it's been a day of flying my way back home. It was surprising but also helpful. I could faintly see the tower now. It grew bigger and bigger as I got closer and closer. 

I was standing in front of the entrance when I heard someone say-

"It's weird, don't you think? All of The Avengers plus Pepper Potts went the lake house."

"A little bit, but I think they deserved a vacation too."

"The lake house looks so costly."

"It's Tony Stark. I'm sur-"

I zoned out and flew in the direction of the lake house. A vacation?


When I arrived at the lake house, I noticed that everyone was wearing black formals. I made my way to the front of the house, I was climbing up the stairs when Tony opened the door. He gave me a soft smile and said, "Hey kiddo."

I smiled back and said "Hey um.... I think something's wrong with me......... I've never felt this way before and it's kinda....... scary." 

He sighed deeply, and started to make his way towards me and then-

-he went through me. Wait, what?

I turned around to see Peter with tears in his eyes, and Tony comforting him. Maybe this was my another new power? I went to them and asked and asked tony if he didn't hear me, but he just ignores me. He asks Peter if he wants to visit someone again, and Peter nods his head, lightly crying. They make their way to the car and I follow them flying, to a cemetery? 

They went to a specific grave and Peter broke down again in Tony's arms. But I didn't pay attention that. My full attention was to what was written on the tombstone.

y/n m/n l/n

xx/xx/xxxx - xx/xx/xxxx



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