Chapter XXVIII

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Yeji POV


"Are you fine now Yeji?" Uncle Shin asked.

" Yes uncle. I'm better now. Sorry for inconvenience. " I continued eating.

My head hurts still but I said I'm fine to Uncle Kim.

I looked at Ryujin and still she's ignoring me. I just sighed and finished eating.

"I'm done." Ryujin said and stand up walk out the dining room. 

I just focus finishing my breakfast and wait for my unnies.

" Uncle we need to get going." Lisa unnie said and we stand up and bow at Uncle. 

Jisoo unnie talked to Sunmi unnie just say goodbye while Lisa unnie talks to Auntie for thanking her for the breakfast.

I wait my unnies here at the balcony watching the sunrise. Uncle Shin stand beside me and I guess we both appreciating the peace.



I'm kinda nervous because he looks so serious.

"How's your sister in Japan?"

"They are so well Uncle. They support me with my shits and stuffs. Thank you for helping me Uncle."

"Don't thank me. Your father, dad, Choi, Park, Kang are like brothers. We help each other."

"I want to see my father but I guess I'm  too late." 

Uncle get his wallet and show me a group of boys hugging each other looking so happy. Uncle pointed a guy on the photo.

"That's your father. He sure a lot of girls when we are young."

"Do I look like him? "

"You just replicate of him. Your mother looks like Mina."

" I remembered when your Dad falls inlove with your Mom. He said he was stars trucked and  he was hit with love at first sight. He's crazy. He runs to my home and asked me to play guitar. He dragged me Choi, Kang and Park to Myoi's house and he sung offbeat and Myoi's parent shout to us. Your dad is so cheesy. He always brought Myou flowers and cheap chocolates. Your dad help me with you Aunt you know. He just locked us on a classroom then we dated. We are strongest group at the school. We like to hang out at the court after school and a group of student from other school wants to fight us on basketball and we won. But they won't accept defeat we started fighting each other and we won again. " he said laughing at their memories.

I just hummed at him. I want to see them badly.

Silence envelops us for a moment. We both enjoying watching the sunrise.

"You like Ryujin? " Uncle asked interrupting the silence suddenly which caught me off guard.

"Uncle. I don't know.  I just met your sister and she don't like me. I have known as The Ice Princess first day of school because of my eyes and I guess hair?" I said and he laughed at me.

"But yesterday I suddenly love her company for this short period of time. Liking someone takes time, you know? But I just comfortable with her. Like we know each other for years." I told him and he just hummed.

"Your dad and I want you to be wed with her. But I think that's not a good idea, ight?" he said.

I don't know what to say. Ryujin as my wife?

I keep thinking what will happened but Uncle interrupted my thoughts.

"Do you like someone Yeji?"

I started liking Ryu for a short period of time but I can't just let go of Ryuddaeng .

" I.. I have this childhood friend which I know before I have accident." I said looking away.

"That's why I came back here and find her." 

Uncle get his coffee and drink it. 

"That's why I don't want you to be wed with Ryu. I know you love someone and it will be unfair for both of you. But I just want to let you to get know of Ryujin first if you consider." he said after drinking his coffee.

"I don't trust his boyfriend. " 

"I  saw his boyfriend cheating on her many times. But I told her already she wont listen to me anyways." I said.

"Like his father." Uncle added and laughed.

"Can I request you to protect her incase? Just don't let her do stupid things Yeji. "

Uncle Shin has a big part of my life also. He help me with my needs that he only can do like helping me reunite with my Japanese unnies. I won't say no to him and this is just simple request.

"Sure Uncle. Your daughter is rock hard too you know. She knows how to get me on the ground. But I'll try " 

We both laughed thinking of what happened yesterday.

Uncle tapped my shoulder and I just noticed his bracelet look like my bracelet which Ryuddaeng gave.

"Uncle where did you get your bracelet?" I asked him nervously.

"Ah. This bracelet? My wife made this with Ryujin  when she's a kiddo you know. Every Shin have a bracelet like this except Ryujin because she gave hers to a friend she said."  Uncle said showing his bracelet with J on it because of it's his first name. 

"Poor Ryujin, her friend left her after giving that bracelet tho."

I get my bracelet to my pocket and show it Uncle almost teary eyed. I look at my bracelet and caress it. I suddenly smile thinking about Ryuddaeng giving me this bracelet who's smiling back at me.

"Where did you get that bracelet Yeji."

"My childhood friend Ryuddaeng gave me this before I was involved in the accident." I said.

"I'm searching her for years and I still didn't find her Uncle but I guess I know her already. " I added.

Ryuddaeng. Ryujin. 

"What a small world."

"Indeed Uncle."



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