3.9 White Lies

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Following Cyrus, I raced after him, into the back of the forest behind the barn where we had first met. "Cyrus, wait up!" I shouted trying to get him to slow down his pace.

Cyrus didn't say a word, instead, he kept on walking. Ugh, why does he have to be so stubborn? "Can't we talk about this?" I continued.

Sensing that I'd be met with no response once more, I decided to ambush him from the front. As I jumped in front of him to extend a hand to stop him, he looked at me in annoyance.

"What's there to talk about? You don't feel the same way about me. It's as simple as that." He maintained.

It's true that I don't hold any romantic feelings towards him. But I still do care about him as a person. It's my duty to make sure nothing bad happens to him. Thus, I can't help but want to clear up this misunderstanding right away!

"Cyrus... I do care about you. The last thing I'd want is for you to be out of my life." I stepped forward to gently cup his hands. "I'm just mentally preparing myself for when we'll inevitably part ways."

Cyrus gave me a pained expression as he looked away. I continued on speaking. "You belong with your people. That's why I want to help reunite you with them."

Cyrus hesitantly looked back at me. With vulnerability spread across his face. "I don't care about them," Cyrus spoke up as he looked at me with sincere eyes. "Not when I have you. I just... want to stay by your side forever. Is that asking too much?"

Sadly, it's not possible given that I don't belong to this world. And yet, I don't have the heart to tell him the truth anymore. "It's not like I'll be leaving anytime soon. So, let's not act like I'll be gone tomorrow."

Cyrus perked up with hope as he leaned in closer. "Then do you promise to stay by my side, until the end?"

Reluctantly, I swallowed a gulp before forcing a plastered smile. "Sure."

In his joy, Cyrus enveloped me in a hug before kissing me passionately. I'd say the scene was quite romantic as it felt like something you would see in a movie of a couple kissing in the snow. But I couldn't help but not see it that way when it's built on a foundation of deception.

When Cyrus finally broke away from the kiss, he raised an eyebrow as he turned his head to listen to something. "Did you hear that?" He asked. I shook my head silently.

Taking hold of my hand, Cyrus dragged me towards this alleged sound. Either this is really bad or good. ... I strongly believe it's the former.

As we reached a large pile of snow, Cyrus released me and proceeded to dig through it. Once he finally hit gold, I peered over his shoulder to see a metal slab.

"It's just a piece of metal, huh," I commented in disappointment.

Cyrus curled his mouth into a sly smile. "I haven't dug the whole thing up yet. But I can assure you that this is where the beeping noise is coming from." Cyrus paused and looked at the metal thoughtfully. "It feels strangely familiar to me..."

Just as Cyrus was about to return to digging, he suddenly doubled over and clenched his stomach as if he was in pain. This can't be good... As I went to reach for Cyrus he flinched as he shook his head firmly.

"I'm starting to get hungry..."

Uuuu... why now? "Alright, let's just head back home. There should still be pork laying around for you."

I suppose the digging will have to wait for another day. As I wrapped Cyrus' arm around my shoulder, I helped him make his way back to the house. I swear you would think he was injured due to his lack of ability to walk!

Once we returned to the house, Cyrus ravaged the refrigerator straight away. He devoured anything he could get his hands on.

As Cyrus was preoccupied with his feasting, a knock could be heard at the door. I hesitantly made my way towards it to find Nick, Jordan and Ethan standing outside.

"Ah, done already with the matchmaking?" I nervously giggled while trying to block their view of Cyrus.

"They're busy talking about their high school glory days. Apparently, he was the star quarterback, and she was president of the debate team..." Jordan explained in a boring monotone voice.

How riveting. But right now, I don't have the time to listen to stories and make small talk!

Sensing my apprehension, Nick decided to speak up next. "Is now a bad time?" He simply asked.

"Cyrus is just... eating. And I was cleaning up, so..."

Catching my drift, Nick nodded along before ushering the two boys away. "Then we'll leave you to it."

In the background, I could hear Cyrus abruptly cease his eating. "Vana... I've run out of food. And I'm still hungry..."

Oh c'mon! How can you still be hungry when you've ransacked the entire kitchen???

Nick who heard Cyrus, looked at me in confusion. I too was starting to get stressed as I looked at him in alarm. "What are we gonna do? Do you have any pork?"

Nick shook his head. "I gave it all to you."

After hearing that, I started to nervously chew on my nails as I tried to come up with a plan. I don't feel like donating my legs to Cyrus, but I've got to appease him somehow...

"Hey Vana," Nick spoke up loudly to intentionally draw both Jordan and Ethan's attention. "Don't you have a package to pick up from the butchers?"

I looked at him dubiously. The butchers are closed right now, so we can't exactly buy meat from him. Unless... is Nick counting on that???

"Yeah?" Ethan spoke up as he sauntered towards the door. "Maybe your boss can drop her off along the way to our houses?"

Nick turned to face Ethan with a shocked and wide smile in awe. "That's a great idea! I like your way of thinking!"

I can't say Nick was a bad actor. But the way he's going on now I can't help but want to laugh since I know all too well that he's the puppetmaster secretly pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Turning to Cyrus once more, I gave him an assertive look. "Are you ready to go?"

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