Chapter 16 - Away

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Goh was done trying to convince others. To him, all they did was try to talk him out of his pursuit, something he did not appreciate. He was done going to different people and offering them his thoughts, only to be told that Ash didn't want to be rescued, ridiculed for thinking Ash could be convinced to come back and told that what he was doing was just some sort of coping mechanism for his denial against Ash's disappearance.

Goh had enough of the opposition and was going to prove that he was right in his beliefs. The issue is, where am I going to go? He thought to himself. He had tried the laboratory, only to be told by Professor Cerise the same thing, so that wasn't an option. The only other place that he had access to was his home, where he had a feeling his parents would not be there.

His whole life, his parents were always busy with their work, to the point where Goh had practically grown up by himself. Even to this day, they still rarely came home, so if he was going to be able to think without any distractions, his house was going to be the best option.

Walking along the streets that led from Cerise Laboratories, Goh noticed that significantly fewer people were outside out of their homes, despite the sunny day that was present, usually attracting kids to the streets. Vermillion City was still an odd mixture of a simple town and a technologically advancing location, something that spoke to Goh even at his young age.

Feeling the sunrays on his skin, Goh continued walking towards where his house was, which was a while down the road on foot. To his left was the open ocean that allowed for ships to trade with the ports, a sight he always liked.

Around thirty minutes later, Goh arrived at his house and noticed it was, of course, empty. He sighed as he entered the code to unlock the front door, feeling the unused nature of the lock. He opened the door and set his bag down on the floor as he gazed upon the perfectly untouched home.

Goh frowned and shook his head upon seeing the uncanny state of the house. Perhaps I would've been friends with someone that's wasn't Ash if Mom and Dad were home more often, he thought to himself. He hated the fact that his thought process in life was so... unnecessary, but it's what made him Goh.

He turned on his computer and sat down in his chair, preparing to begin any bit of research at his station that his parents bought for him. He'd never considered the idea of being born into such a great financial situation, but after meeting all the people he had met in the past six years, he had been working hard to put himself in others' shoes.

Once his computer was running, Goh instantly began searching on Team Rocket. There was a report over the recent capture of them, but Goh knew everything there was to know about that, so he disregarded it and looked for recent pages about them that didn't have to do with the capture.

He came up empty-handed, only finding stuff that talked about the Cell War from six years ago. Nothing that'll help me, he thought to himself, gritting his teeth. His mind began racing, finding it annoying that despite being so involved with Team Rocket before Jessie, James, and Meowth stopped chasing after Ash's Pikachu, he had almost no information on them.

That's when it hit Goh like a truck. If he wanted to find out more about Team Rocket's antics post-Giovanni, he was going to need to talk to the three Team Rocket members who would be willing to talk to him, no strings attached. But where would I even find those three? he questioned to himself.

The last time Goh had seen them was in Snowbelle City after he had gotten a coffee and discussed what Giovanni was doing within the organization and why the three had temporarily departed from it. Despite his distrust, they explained Giovanni's extreme motivation to harness the power of Zygarde, but how little they knew of what he was going to eventually do with it was frightening.

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