running away

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- hello everyone, the first part of this chapter is written in everleighs pov, sorry if that gets confusing (by the way, for if you did not know; POV stands fot point of view) -

everleighs POV:

i set my alarm for 3:00. I'm pretty sure my parents are asleep by then. i pack my bag. My phone, for as long as its gonna last, a little pillow and a blanket.  i also take a chocolate bar, but that is it for now. i take out my ear buds and listen to some music, hoping it gives me the same effect as watching movies, to get me out of this horrible life. it doesnt. atleast i cant hear my parents right? i sigh.

second person POV:

you go to sleep. you know you are not gonna be sleeping for very long, but you want atleast a little rest. a few hours go by. your alarm goes. 3:00. you get up, take your bag and climb out of the window. you dont even leave a note. you walk alone down the streets for a while. then you go to a bench and fall asleep. 

you wake up on the same bench you've fallen asleep, but all your stuff is gone!! you decide not to go look for it, since you dont know how much time has past. you decide to go to the forest. as your standing up, you notice your phone in your pocket. it doesnt have any texts from your parents, they didnt even notice youre gone yet. then you look at the time. 04:28. you decide to go to the forest, since you dont want people asking questions or accedently run into your parents or ex-friends. 

in the forest you see a tree trunk, and you go sit on it. you think for a while. do my parents know im gone? did i mishear my friends, maybe they were just joking? no they were not. how could you possibly mishear that? you are sure that you heard what you heard. and your 100% sure your parents are not even worried because its to dark to be morning already, they are sleeping. 

you sigh. you did not sleep very well, so you are gonna try to get some more sleep. ¨ not that i will acctuly fall asleep ¨ you say to yourself, angry and tired. since there is to much going on right now in your head, you cant sleep very well, after all, all you have as a bed is a tree trunk, not very comfy. you decide to go and look for food, since your very hungry and all the food you took with you to the forest, got stolen. you dont pay that much attention, and drop your phone. ¨oh shit¨ you say as you pick it up. then you see that the battery is dead. ¨could this day get any worse!!¨ you scream in anger. then it starts to rain.

- im working on more, sorry that it is taking so long i guess? -

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