Marking his territory (mild nsfw)

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This chapter contains mild sexually explicit scenes

You quickly turn around, making eye contact with the green gator. "That's enough Freddy" Monty growled, furrowing his brows. Freddy chuckled "same old Monty" he smiled brightly, patting the grumpy male on his shoulder. "Well, I must head to the play area and greet the parent guests" Freddy claims, saluting the two of you with a wave.

Monty tsked, crossing his arms, swinging his tail. "Follow me kid" he sighed, leading you to his room. You quietly tagged along, sheepishly keeping your eyes glued to the floor, as a blush conquered your face. The tall male turned around to face you "Oh come on, don't be shy now" he snickered, snaking an arm around your waist.

You flinch, as the gator grazes your backside. Just as you started to anticipate the ass grab, almost desiring his attention, he lets go and flashes you a smirk. "What? You wanted something?" he askes, giving you a sly grin, teasing you. You blush, cupping your face, ashamed by your expectation.

The two of you arrive to Monty's room "take a seat (Y/N)" he states in a low voice. You place yourself on his couch, eyes glued to the floor beneath your feet, breathing timidly. "Did you come looking for me doll?" he questioned, closing the door to his green room. "Yeah..." you reply bashfully, sort of surprised how vocal the animatronics' were. "...And what could possibly be the reason?" he hums smugly, staring at you from above, crushing you under his towering presence.

"Could it be my captivating stage presence?" he quotes you, smirking as he closes his dark curtains. You immediately raise your eyes to meet his, flustered. "...Or is it because I'm a work of art and even more attractive up close?" he spoke grinning, eyes slightly closed, teasing you. Your face begins to burn as you remember every sentence you declared to the, what you thought, non sentient being.

He chuckles, positioning himself next to you on the couch, arm around your shoulders. Your mind was completely void of thought, as embarrassment was the only emotion you could clearly feel. "Maybe it was my talents? Like: singing, dancing, overall performance-" Monty's sarcastic mockery was cut off by your trembling hands covering his blabbering mouth.

He glances at you through his star shaped glasses, exhaling out of his snout, laughing at your curious behavior. "Please stop, I can't bear to hear that right now" you stutter pouting, utterly ashamed. "Hey (Y/N), that's a hella cute reaction you have there" he whispered in your ear getting even closer to you, now placing his arm around your waist.

You let out a small "eep" starting to get nervous, as your heart began to pound out of your chest. "...And your ass is just as cute as you" he smirked, placing a light kiss on your neck. You timidly let out a small whimper, hiding your face in his collar bone. He snickered softly, surprisingly interested in your shy and sweet reactions. The two of you remained in a peaceful silence, as you tried to gain confidence. You look at the gator in the eyes, mustering every ounce of courage you had, inside of you.

You softly grip his wrists, guiding them to your backside. "Touch me?" you question, lips pouting in embarrassment, as a light red decorates your soft cheeks. Monty was surprised, raising his brows, in response to your actions. You trace your palms over his, squeezing your ass with his hands, showing him what to do to you. "Like this please, Monty?" you beg, unintentionally giving the taller male a puppy dog look, with a cute, flushed face.

Your begging, your face and you actions, all excited the green animatronic. "Sure thing doll" he growled happily, wagging his massive tail in arousal. Monty grabbed your ass, giving it light squeezes, causing you to let out soft moans. You quickly removed the claws from your lower half, confusing the reptile. You place yourself on top of Monty's thighs, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. "Continue" you call out, breathless, starting to grind on the band member.

Monty let out a low laugh, allowing his hands to wonder your body. The taller robot enthusiastically explored your body, going straight for your chest. He cupped your breasts, massaging softly, giving them an occasional light squeeze. You tighten your grip around his shoulders, also wrapping your legs around the robot. Monty smirked, enjoying the view.

The two of you immediately stop, hearing an announcement echo through the entire building. "We advise all members that posses a yearly pass, to please exit Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza plex soon. In approximately ten minutes the building will close, please gather your items..." you don't bother to listen to the rest of the announcement, starting to panic. The gator ignored the statement, completely, continuing his flirtatious touching.

"Monty, I have to get going. It's only a matter of time before Gregory arrives, since he knows I'm here." You state, gently pushing the male's hands away, standing up. "Oh come on doll, don't give me blue balls now" the green animatronic scoffed. You sigh, fixing your messy hair. "You should probably fix that too" Monty teases, pointing to your raised dress, exposing your slightly damp panties. You quickly pull the dress down, covering your private areas, face flushed. "I guess you had some fun with me, huh?" he snickers, commenting on the wet spot on your underwear.

"Yes I did..." you stutter timidly, tiding up the rest of your outfit. "See you tomorrow" you state, not quite making eye contact, leaving the room. The reptile smiled mischievously in response, eyebrows raised.

"There you are (Y/N)! My parents told me it's time to leave!" Gregory called, waving to you. "Alright, let's go to them then" you state awkwardly, still quite embarrassed from you previous actions. "Have a good night (Y/N)" Freddy spoke from behind the both of you, entering his room, giving a cheerful smile. You nod, giving a bright smile in response.

Monty x female reader FNAF Security BreachWhere stories live. Discover now