Another round? (Final part, nsfw)

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This chapter contains sexually explicit scenes ( + insults and hair pulling)

You grab the male's hard member placing it at your entrance, grinding your hips against him. "Who said you could do that, you whore" the male claims seductively, lightly pulling your hair, causing you to let out a quiet moan in response. "Beg for it" he commanded, giving you a sly grin, trying his hardest not to enter you instantly. "Please fuck me, Monty!" you plead, whimpering, gazing into the reptile's eyes, mind full of lust and desire. He scoffed, filling you with one quick thrust, letting out a pleasure filled breathy grunt, next to your ear. You yelp, surprised by the sudden movement, tightening you grip around the gator's member.

The animatronic immediately started to pound your entrance, wrapping his arms around your hips, pulling you in even closer. You instinctively start to gasp, progressively becoming more and more vocal, the quicker the robot thrusted inside of you. You tighten your legs around the animatronic's cold metal body, feeling your climax coming. "Shit" the male groaned softly, also almost reaching his peak. The reptile began to massage your clitoris, trying to make you cum faster, succeeding as you instantly release, moaning loud, squeezing your trembling legs shut. You clench down on Monty's length, causing him to also cum.

The gator slips out of you, huffing, satisfied with the intimate moment. You glance up at the male, breathless, face flushed. The animatronic watches you, scanning your whole body, top to bottom. "Round two, doll?" he taunted playfully, squeezing your inner thigh. "What time is it?" you question innocently, considering the offer. The robot's eyes widen, surprised by your response, fixing his posture, looking for the time. "About 45 minuets left" he states, now deflated from his initial enthusiasm, noticing the time crunch.

You get up from the couch, placing yourself on the floor, in front of the male, confusing him in the process. "How about I give you a blow job?" you smirk seductively, licking your lips. The animatronic happily, spreads his legs, allowing you to access his growing member, while his tail swung. You started by rubbing the member with your hands, pumping. You watch as the gator's breath begins to hitch, as he slowly gets more and more aroused. "Use your mouth, bitch" he growls, towering over you, staring at you from above.

His words made your core drip and tremble with desire. You immediately obey his command, licking the tip of his length, lubricating the member with your saliva. You keep your eyes glued to the male, watching his every reaction: moan, grunt, jerk and so on, hypnotized by his presence. You began to trace Monty's entire length with your tongue, carefully not using your teeth. You then begin to take the member into your mouth, slowly reaching to the base, seemingly gag reflex-less. The male let out a deep, slow, vocal moan, rolling his head back.

You take your time, moving your head up and down slowly, teasing the animatronic with your slow movements. Just then the green robot, grabs your hair, giving it a light tug, while you let out a soft whimper, aroused. "Hurry up, you slut" he growls, pushing your head closer to his excited area. "...Maybe" you state slyly, biting you lip, making the male chuckle at your snarky reply. You place your mouth, once again, on the throbbing member, bobbing your head up and down, at a much faster pace. The robot groans, cumming into your mouth, jerking his hips.

The animatronic scans your body, watching as you clean the liquids off your flushed skin. "Round three?" he teases, giving a sly snicker. You roll your eyes, only to giggle at his stupid proposition. You get up, gathering your objects, starting to dress yourself quickly, needing to meet up with Gregory's family. "So, no show today?" Monty questions, looking at you with hungry eyes. "Nah, I don't have time for a round three" you giggle, sticking your tongue out playfully. The animatronic scoffed in response, laying himself on his couch. "See you soon" you state, giving the gator a sweet kiss on the cheek, before exiting the room, leaving him speechless.

The next day Monty stayed in his room, patiently waiting for you arrival, but you were a no show, making the reptile sigh. He rolled his eyes, waiting to see you in the atrium, since you were probably late, expecting an apology, but you weren't there. The reptile scanned the room, not seeing you. The next day rolls around and you were still absent, so was the kid oddly enough. "She must be busy" the animatronic scoffed to himself, trying to easy his nervous mind. A few days pass and you are no where to be seen, startling the green robot. "Hey Freddy, have you seen (Y/N)?" Monty questions the bear, worried. "No, but I spoke with young Gregory and he has informed me that (Y/N) is no longer his babysitter, apparently she quit." The bear spoke, furrowing his brows, also concerned by your lack of presence.

More days passed, causing the gator to play the last interaction he had with you on a loop, remembering your words. "See you soon" echoed in his mind, proving to him that you were supposed to see him again. The robot was distraught, constantly thinking about you. The male is taken out of his dark thoughts as a knock at his door distracts him. He approaches the door, sluggish and a mess, glancing at the person at the entrance.

"Hey Monty!" you salute, giving the gator a sweet, pure smile. The male wraps his arms around you, tightly squeezing you in a trembling embrace. "(Y/N)! Where the hell were you?!" he questions, not letting you free from the strong hug. "Look at my clothes and you'll instantly know" you giggle gently. Monty breaks free from the embrace, scanning your brand new, security guard uniform. "I quit babysitting, to do this job instead and spend more time with you, everyday! I wanted to come earlier but the company training, classes, courses ect, took way too long and the Pizza plex was always closed" you pout, rubbing the gator's arms softly. "God, I'm so glad you're okay" the animatronic spoke, low voice shaking. "I did this so we could spend more time together, sorry for worrying you" you claim heartbroken, surrounding the animatronic in your warm embrace.

"Now are you ready for a round three?" the reptile questions glancing at you innocently. "Of course" you smirk, entering his room, closing the door behind you.

Monty x female reader FNAF Security BreachWhere stories live. Discover now