Obsessive following

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The next day you entered the Pizza plex, still quite flustered from the previous night's adventure. You were nervous, but excited to meet your favorite cast member once again. "Hey, I'm going to play with my friends today! You don't have to come!" Gregory declares, running off, heading towards the Fazer blast, excited for the day's new activity organized by the staff. You made your way to the atrium, not wanting to miss the band's daily show. "I'm sure Gregory is fine on his own, right? I mean he's here everyday, so he's bound to know his way around" you question yourself, trying to morally justify your bad decision. 

You stroll towards your regular seat, close to the stage, starting to feel giddy. You scan the almost empty atrium, noticing the massive lack of children. "They must be at the Fazer blast thing, huh?" you ponder, brows furrowed in thought. The mostly empty area only seemed populated by young parents and small children, too little to participate in the laser tag.

You closely watch as the staff accompany all the band members onto the stage. You instantly make eye contact with the taller green male. He smirks, winking in your direction. Your face immediately heats up, causing you to fan you flushed cheeks. After slowly calming you beating heart down, you manage to flash a smile in his direction, letting out an embarrassed chuckle afterwards. This made Monty quite excited, your innocent puppy love, interested him. 

The concert was just as good as the other ones, even with the lack of enthusiasm from the small crowd. You cheered playfully, happily calling the reptile's name, dancing to each of their songs, leaving you with the biggest grin on your face. 

Once the show was over the cast, as per usual, stepped off the stage, heading towards the crowd to interact with everyone interested. The mohawk animatronic approached you, giving you a smirk, feeling proud after seeing your reaction to the concert. "You two really get along, huh?" Freddy questioned gleefully, strutting towards the both of you. Monty rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, annoyed by the taller male's presence. You were also slightly disappointed with the bear's closeness.

"Yeah, I think so?" you stutter timidly, glancing at Monty. "Why aren't you taking pictures with the the kids?" the green robot stated, unfiltered. "Well today there's a lack of little superstars, so I decided to join your little group" Freddy laughed joyfully. You observed the band's lead singer, questioning if he was acting, trying to poke at Monty or if he genuinely was just a complete himbo and blissfully unaware of the current situation. "Hey (Y/N), do you want a picture with me? Since you always take one with Monty?" he asked, gently smiling, handing a Faz-cam to the green male. Monty, in that moment made a face, completely full of confusion and disgust, looking the other male in the eyes. 

"Hell no" the gator spoke coldly, same expression plastered all over his snout. The pair continue to bicker, as Monty complained and Freddy answered with smiles and joyful laughter. You begin to giggle, amused by the their arguing. You try to muffle your laughter by covering your mouth with the back of your hand, but you eventually end up failing this task. The two animatronics glance at you, noticing your sweet reaction, stopping their quarrel, Freddy smiled. The two of them returned to the stage, getting ready to finish up their concert. 

The next day arrives, while you and the spoiled little rascal make your way to your usual seat in the atrium, patiently waiting for the daily performance to commence. "You must really like the concerts, huh (Y/N)?" Gregory askes tilting his head curiously. "Yeah, I love their music" you claim awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck. 

You proceed to enjoy Monty's performance, utterly mesmerized, soaking in his professionalism and stage presence. At the end of his show, you wanted to approach your favorite member, only for Freddy to once again squeeze himself into your conversations. This repetitive cycle continued for the rest of the week, causing you and the tall reptile to have absolutely no alone time at all. 

The night of the event finally rolled around and you arrived with Gregory's family, but just before his mother could state her iconic sentence you dashed off, trying to find the tall, green animatronic, leaving Gregory's parents quite perplexed. You quickly make your way to the atrium, scanning the area for his presence. "Shit..." you whisper to yourself, not spotting him anywhere. You rush to the green rooms, trying to peek into the reptile's room, still not able to find him. You sigh in disappointment, frustrated in his lack of presence. 

"Hey!" a high pitched voice called from behind. You turn around, eyes meeting the owner of said voice. "What's your name? Are you lost?" Chica questions, happily, while a moody Roxy quietly stood beside her. "Oh, uhm I'm (Y/N) and I'm looking for-" your sentence was cut short by an excited yelp. "You're the one Freddy and Monty discuss about!" the pale girl exclaimed joyfully. "Right Roxy?" the chicken continued, gripping onto the pup's arm. "...Yeah I guess" she spoke blankly, wagging her tail from the other's sudden touch. 

You were overwhelmed by the chicken's chatter, as she filled the room with her never-ending babbling. "Hey you want to come with us? We were just about to go get Monty, since he went to go get a simple piece replaced." The enthusiastic girl claimed and just as you were about to answer Chica she gently gripped you arm, beginning to drag you along with them "of course you want to come" she giggled. Roxy sighed, placing a hand on your shoulder "sorry, but when Chica likes someone, it's hard to shut her up" the edgy wolf apologized, encouraging you to go along with her excitement.

You nod awkwardly, I mean you wanted to see Monty and this sure was a way to get to do so.

Monty x female reader FNAF Security BreachWhere stories live. Discover now