Mutual lust (nsfw)

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This chapter contains sexually explicit scenes

You blush, the sudden contact sent butterflies straight to your stomach. "Hey superstar! Sorry again for before" the bear commented, awkwardly waving to the both of you. "Oh, no problem" you spoke sweetly, still giddy from the gator's touch. "I had a chat with Monty last night and completely understood that I didn't even stand a chance" he sighed, flashing you a small, timid smile. You glance at the green animatronic, surprised by the sudden comment, while he nonchalantly looks away.

"Freddy!" a small child whines, grabbing the giant's arm. "Oh, well, I have to get going" he smiles, placing the other hand behind his head, bowing. You wave the bear goodbye, smiling gently. You quickly turn to the robot, gripping his hand. "You talked about me last night?" you taunt playfully, getting closer to the male's blushing snout. "Yeah, I felt kind of sorry for him..." he admitted, trying to make eye contact with you. You blush, giving the green animatronic a big, happy smile in response.

The next few days you went to the Pizza plex earlier than usual, not that Gregory minded, getting to play for much longer than he normally would. Every time you arrived, you would always go straight to the reptile's room, almost ignoring the younger boy's presence, even though you were getting payed to watch him. Unfortunately every day you would start to flirt with Monty, kiss him, start to get somewhere, you ended up being cockblocked by a staff robot advising the gator to prepare himself before a show. Yes, his performance was always the best, but you also valued the alone time you had with him, disappointed that you hardly had any. You would always try to get to a good point, progressively attempting to beat the staff bots, but ultimately failing, until the event finally arrived.

You communicate to Gregory's family, that you would be arriving to the Pizza plex before the rest of them, stating that you had to sign the child up for a next day activity, informing them that it would be a long process. But we all knew why you arrived to the building so early. You enter the Pizza plex, immediately making your way to the gator's room and just as you arrive, the door opens. "I knew it" the male scoffed, patiently waiting for you, leaned against the door frame. You blush, since the reptile noticed your desperation to get there as soon as possible.

"Come in" he spoke in a low voice, walking towards the couch, as his tail began to swing. "At least I don't have a performance today" he snickers, at his own snarky comment, pointing to the door with his thumb. "Yeah..." you agree softly, fiddling with your fingers. "What's up with the shyness today doll?" he smirked, patting the empty seat next to his. "I've been waiting for this all week and now that's it's happening, I'm...just so excited, that it feels like my heart is about to beat out of my chest" you confess timidly, sitting next to the green robot. The male's eyes widen, stunned by your honesty, as he shifted from a dominant pose, to a surprised one.

"...And that's supposed to not make me excited?" he questioned, eyes hooded, leaning close. "I just really like you" you speak, pouting at the male with a flushed face. "Shit" he groans, placing you on the sofa beneath him, hovering over you, activating the switch to allow his member's freedom. "Take your clothes off" he demands, watching as you delicately take deep breaths, consumed by the desire to be ravished by the bulky male. You slowly trace the shape of your body, putting a show on for the reptile, squeezing your breasts, as a red tint decorated your cheeks. He stayed silent, taking in the view, visibly trying to contain his lust. You slip your underwear and bra off, in a swift move, tossing the unnecessary clothing to the side, staring directly into the animatronic's eyes, turning him on.

"Oh, fuck" he grunted, beginning to roughly bite your neck, making his way down your torso. You let out quick, soft breathes, only to moan when the gator took a nip at your chest, grazing your sensitive area. You instinctively wrap your arms around his shoulders, accompanied by a breathy "more." The green robot made his way down to your core, lifting your lower half, plopping your legs over his shoulders, going for your slit. You whimper, enjoying the pleasure the gator was giving you. He quickens his pace, gripping tighter on your thighs, scraping your burning flesh with his sharp claws. You let out small gasps, enjoying the pain the nails were giving you, with the pleasure of his kisses on your entrance. The male licked your lower lips, rarely grazing your clitoris, making you beg for more.

You squeeze the animatronic's head between your shaky thighs, as you cum. Your heavy breathing fills the room, as a blush decorates your cheeks, embarrassed that you came so fast. The reptile peeks from between your legs, grinning wide, eyes squinting, teasing how quick you released yourself. Your face flushes even more, making you cover your face with your trembling hands, timidly. Monty places you with your back, now once again on the couch, as you begin to catch your breath, embarrassment slowly leaving your red cheeks. The gator hovered over you, crushing you with his towering presence, as he scanned your naked body, wagging his tail in excitement.

You eye the animatronic's lower half, noticing his length stand tall. You timidly lift your gaze to meet the robot's, watching as a smirk conquers his face, after seeing your interest in his member. "God, I'm so turned on" he groaned, lowering himself against your bare collar bone. You whimper, the touch made your wet, pulsating core, drip with excitement. You lift the gator's face, cupping his cheeks, glancing directly into his eyes. "Put it in me" you state, as pink colors your body in embarrassment.

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