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IT'S FINALLY FRIDAY and my bonus that came with the end of the school week was the arrival of my bestfriend from Venezuela on Thursday. Dante chooses to spend his holidays here in Australia because he has plane fever.

Unfortunately I had called in sick to see her in school yesterday but fortunately I did not get to witness the dramatic entrance. Safe call.

What makes you conclude that some one is your best friend?

Let me tell you why and how Hermès became my best friend. So the realization that she was my best friend and we were endgame hit me in sophomore year. Hermès had just transferred to my school Marist and she made a quite a scene on her arrival being the drama Queen she is.

She came in during our Math lesson with Mr Howard, this extremely cool teacher that would let us use our phones in class. I had not been informed that she would be a transfer student that year, so I was in shock to see her enter the classroom. With her outgoing nature she was easily granted the full attention of the whole class.

She barged in the door with a glee full expression and joy radiating off her features. I thought to myself what is she doing here? Did mom send her with my lunch or something?

Mr Howard looked sideways from the board to where the door was to see what had caused the ruckus. He quirked one eyebrow and it dawned on him that he had a new student that year.

"Welcome, you must be new student," he said in an encouraging and welcoming voice. "Tell us a bit about yourself Miss."

Hermès was so shaky and unsettled because of the joy. "I'm Hermès Pavoratti, I'm new," she waved her hand with a big grin on her face. "Oh my Gosh that sounds so great coming out of my mouth. I have been practicing this for so long."

She scans the room with that grin on her face still plastered in pure excitement. I remember thinking what was so exciting about being new, if anything she should loathe it as she will be labeled the 'new girl' for long. But Hermès never ceased to amaze me she went on and said," It's my first time being new to a school my whole life I have been in the same school. And oh, my oh my it feels good to announce you arrival at a school!"

She was so jumpy and could not conceal the utter joy in her. What she said next amazed me and my classmates, "But do not think cause I am new you can walk all over me. I am not your cliché new girl, I will ruin you. Thank you sir, I will take my seat right over there." Pointing at the seat next to mine. Everyone was left stunned.

Badass, I knew right then and there she was the one. That was my girl. Any doubt that I had about having a girl best friend, was erased never to be brought up again. Even though we had been close growing up, I had not labelled her as my best friend yet.

This encounter and revelation are reasons why I am being dragged to one of her meetings. 911, this is child abuse. PS I am not legal yet.

She coerced me into joining her youth centre filled with delinquents, social outcasts, creeps and freaks. I mean, right now one is poking my belly which is protruding from the crop top I am wearing saying "Jelly, belly" whilst popping her eyes. Weird. Remind me to never have a soft spot for anyone.

"Dylan, no!" Hermès reproves the freak to my relief. This might as well be considered a freak show not a youth centre.

I make a quick assessment of the room. She really outdid herself. All softs of snacks were on the table.

"Okay darlings, for this week our assignment is reading The Great Gatsby. Read as much as you can, summarize and we'll meet next week to share our summaries." Smart girl, giving them our assignment. That way, I will not read I will just take the risk of listening to their summaries; which is a great risk so honestly I have put in a lot of work. Or trust.

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