Chapter 6 ~ Thieves

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"W-wha?! What?!"

Hu Tao couldn't believe it; she'd have to steal three super important sounding items. Not to mention one of the items was Venti himself. The giant would definitely notice if she took him. He might even follow her home and take Yanfei.

"You heard me! Get to work!"

"Get to work?! What do you mean get to work?!"

Venti sighed. "If you don't hurry, you're gonna get caught! You don't wanna end up in here like me, right?"

Hu Tao had to admit she didn't want to get captured. If she did, she'd never see Yanfei ever again. That thought made her heart hurt. She sighed and looked away.

"Aiya... what did I do to deserve this... alright, tell me where to find the things."

Venti clasped his hands and smiled. "Good! We can finally make progress! Now, see that keychain on the table?"

Hu Tao turned her attention towards a keychain the size of door sitting on the table. A glowing chunk of amber was cradled inside a golden sphere. The gem glowed brightly in the dim light.

"What about it?"

"That can be used to get me outta here! On top of being real important, of course. Think you can manage?"

Hu Tao paused. "Now wait just a second! How do I know you ARE an item on my "to steal" list?"

Venti paused. "Oh yea... haven't thought about that. Well... if you get me outta here, I can prove my worth! Besides! I told you the name of that hooded figure right?"

Hu Tao sighed. "Fine. Aiya, this is driving me crazy."

"But anything for your love, right?" Venti asked.

"Right," she replied. "Wait! How did you—"

"Ahaha! See? I AM something special! I know who you like too. Miss Yanfei is very pretty, I must admit."

"Stop that!" Hu Tao's face went bright red. Venti giggled, but quickly stopped and cleared his throat.

"Alright! We're getting off track! Get to it!"

"Fine! Just stay quiet, ok?"

Venti nodded and zipped his lips, giving her the OK sign. Hu Tao turned and rolled her eyes. "Yanfei, I'll be back soon. And hopefully we can be in love."


Hu Tao looked around to see what she could use to get to the table. She scanned the counter until her gaze landed on a giant knife. Grabbing and dragging it to the edge of the counter, she placed the blade over the edge and tested it to make sure she could use it to jump across.

"Don't kill yourself!" Venti chirped.

"Gee, thanks!" Hu Tao moved backwards and prepped herself to jump. With a deep breath, she began running. Picking up the pace, she dashed forward and jumped onto the knife. It bounced her high into the air. She screamed as she nearly crashed into the table, had it not been for Venti catching her on a magical wind current.

"Be careful! Are you alright?!" Hu Tao nodded.


The knife fell to the floor. Hu Tao winced and slowly turned to see it. Venti froze.


"Is someone in here?"


"Aw crap! Gotta hide!" Hu Tao frantically searched the table for a hiding place. She quickly ducked behind a large teacup and looked around the corner.

Zhongli came back into the room. He looked around and landed his gaze on Venti, who simply sat in the cage with his lyre.

"You there, insolent bard... did you do this?"

"Aw, caught me! Ehe~" Venti was sweating. He tugged at his collar and laughed nervously. Zhongli scowled at him but simply turned to the knife. He picked it up and placed it in the sink.

"Where's my cup?... ah, there."

The cup Hu Tao was hiding behind suddenly moved. She gasped and quickly moved to a napkin holder besides it.

"Do me a favor and start playing. I want this place filled with music in no more than 20 minutes."

"As you wish," Venti said with a bow. Zhongli turned with his cup in one hand and the kettle in the other.

"...Is he gone?"

Venti nodded as Hu Tao slowly came out from hiding. She collapsed, a breath of relief coming from her. "I was so close to getting caught... but hey! The keychain--"

Hu Tao realized that the keychain had been taken too. She slapped her face and sighed very loudly in frustration.

"Dangit!!! I can't believe it!"

"Don't give up! You gotta follow him! Please!"

"Ok, ok! I'll do it! Just wait, Venti!"

Venti took a deep breath and sighed. "Ok... I'm calm. Sorry. I'm going stir crazy in here."

"I can tell!" Hu Tao scoffed and looked at the stairs. "Don't worry, Yanfei. I'll be back soon."

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