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This is a M x Light ship and takes place in Rainbow Quest Aftermath.
      I felt sick to my stomach. My hand is sweaty from my fear. I don't know what made me do this, but it definitely wasn't my head. Why did I think asking Light Steve out on a date was a good idea? Everypart of my body was screaming at me for this stupid idea. I already asked him though and he said yes. There is no turning back now. A date with Light Steve.
I try to remember my plan for this date to relax my nerves and stomach. First I would make sure he was dressed warm for the activity we are going to do tonight. In the cold of february ice skating seems the best idea. Light once said at a meeting that he likes the cold so I thought an outdoor activity on a not completely freezing night would work well. Once I made sure he wouldn't freeze to death I'll get him his ice skates where we can take a nice walk alone to the pond. I already checked the thickness of the ice and I will check it today when we get to it to make sure it is safe while I teach Light Steve how to ice skate where we can hold hands and learn more about each other outside of our professional workspace.
This is a terrible idea. I have planned this out again and again. I even planned out what I was going to say. As long as the thing beating in my chest doesn't mess this up I will end this date being able to tell Light Steve how I feel about him and probably meet my demise of a broken heart.
I already finished getting dressed for tonight. I had my brilliant red and silver ice skates in a protective bag. I had a dark red coat that was cuffed along the outside of the jacket, this special fabric that was dyed in a faded red color. Underneath was an even darker red shirt that was thickened and protected me from any wind that would get through the jacket. I had some snow pants on that were rather thin, but kept me warm and made sure any melted snow wouldn't seep into my skin. I had some simple leather boots that were good for traction on snow. During the winter where our kingdom lies at least we get a lot of snow so we have to dress warmly and keep ourselves from falling on ice.
Right now I was waiting at a table in my home where the last Red Leader used to live. The Red Leader is now Hypno Steve and now I am the red leader. Everyone calls me M since Sabre's nickname stuck so well even after he was taken away into an uncertain fate of the loop. I try not to think about it. My house was filled with dim torches that I already blew most of them out in this house that is more like a library than a home. I might move out sometime soon just so I won't have to think of my mentor everytime I step inside this bittersweet place.
For now I will sit and wait for Light Steve to knock on my door while I hold my stomach as it slowly starts to settle from my nervousness. The last thing I need is to throw up my dinner before or when Light Steve is here. I messed with my hair. It was longer than I would like it resting halfway down my neck, but it keeps me warm so I'll get it cut when spring comes. I am usually patient but this is taking too long. Did Light stand me up? What if he couldn't make it or forgot!
I heard a knock on the door shaking me out of my thoughts before I went down my own rabbit hole. That has to be Light. I asked not to be distubed by the other steves tonight and they said they wouldn't. The professor was exatic when he found out I asked him out.
I went to the door and opened it. Light was standing in front of me. He wore a light jacket with the colorless guard symbol designs over it. He also had some jeans on with a winterish design on them and some regular boots. He didn't seem to be cold by how light his clothes were for this weather though in fact he looked perfectly comfortable standing outside in the cold of the night. Maybe I won't need to force him to wear warmer clothes especially if he feels fine in what he is wearing now. I didn't realize how long I was staring at his eyes. His eyes are normally a silver-ish color, but sometimes in the light of the sun I see hsi eyes change into a pastel orange.
"Light! I'm glad you made it!" I said, trying to act calm. I still felt nervous and agitated with fear. At least my stomach has settled now.
"Yes, I have to admit I was nervous at first. I didn't know if you were pulling my leg or not with this."
"Why would I do that?" Already this is not the conversation I expected us to start with.
"I heard that the Violet Steves like to force steves to go on dates sometimes."
"I promise this isn't forced. I wanted to do this with you... I thought it would be a nice way for us to relax."
"I think it will be, but why call it a date if this is just spending time together?"
"W..wrong choice of words I guess... You must be cold, you should come in!"
"No I'm alright. I don't seem to get as cold as other steves. In fact I find myself overheating more in the summer."
"Then we can be out for longer than I planned then. Still I need you to come in so I can see if these fit you."
"Fit me?" I stepped out of the doorway and moved to the side offering Light Steve to come inside. He steps in and I close the door behind me. I
"Yes, If it doesn't we might have to find you a different size. It's for the d- hangout. Please sit." He looked at me confused. I pulled him a seat and he sat down. I go to grab the skates I took a few days making. I had to ask the Orange Leader his foot size beforehand. They used to live together when Light was Shy apparently. The Orange Leader helped me a lot with the shoes. I come back with the shoes and show him the shoes.
"Ice skates?"
"Yes, that is what I have planned for tonight. Unless you want to do something else."
"No!- No I think that sounds like fun, I just never done it before."
"I can teach you don't worry. Want to try them on?"
"Sure, did you make these for me?"
"I did. Just wanted you to have them in your color." I gave him the skates, The base of the leath was white and the detail swerved in a light orange. Light took one of them in his hand and looked at it for a few seconds. He puts one of them on just to test how they feel.
"These are beautiful M."
"I had some help, it's not all on me."
"Alright, also these fit me just fine." Light tells me. I sighed with relief.
"That's good, I can carry them until we get to the pond."
"Is it far?"
"No it's not too far from here. A few minutes away." Light takes off the skates and hands them to me. I put them in a separate bag. I blow out the rest of the torches in my home. "Are you ready?" I asked Light as he put his boots back on.
"I am. If you get too cold though, we can go back."
"I'm dressed for this, don't worry." I put on a hat and gloves before opening the door for him. He smiles brightly as a thank you making my heart skip a beat. We left the house and headed into a trail in the woods. It was dark, but the moonlight gave us enough light to see where we were going. The heavy snow crunched with our footsteps. My breath forze with each breath of the cold making small clouds appear in front of my face from my warm breath. Light didn't seem affected by the cold just like he said. His breath didn't freeze like mine did.
"It's quiet here." Light said, looking at me.
"It is.. You should see it in the spring. We have poppies that grow everywhere along this path."
"I can't wait to see it." I smiled as we continued to walk.
"Me too. It will be my first year watching them without the Red Leader."
"I'm sorry that you had to lose him so soon."
"It's alright. I think it was time. He was a great leader and kept us safe from the darkness, but because of his experiences of the past he was afraid of change and getting hurt the same way he did then." Light looked surprised. I didn't talk much about the Red Leader in our meetings and business.
"I wish I could have met him."
"I think he would like you. If you didn't meet him when we were in hiding, of course." I said jokingly. Light laughed a little.
"Sabre didn't help much with that now did he?"
"The Red Leader did not like him that much."
"From what I heard I am not surprised." I went back to my plan and already all the topics and ideas I had for this walk have gone out the window, but yet I felt more relaxed than I did before. I felt happy to hear just saying what comes out of my head rather than having to plan every word I say out carefully like I normally have to do.
"Sabre is a little weird, but a weird I miss." I admitted.
"I agree.. I miss him..." Light showed pain in his face. This is a topic he normally brushes over. I haven't seen him this sad before. I took his hand with worry.
"I think he will come back.. Don't you?"
"I do... If he was here right now he would laugh at us."
"He probably would!" We laughed together a bit from remembering old memories and just to cheer both of our cracked hearts. I didn't expect Sabre to be one of our topics on this date. Yet this feels so nice and natural. I can really say this hasn't felt force.
"Is that the pond?" Light asked, pointing up ahead of us. A little past the dense woods I saw the small pond. It was covered in ice, but I cleared all the snow away this morning so I wouldn't have to do this here.
"That's it. Before we start I have to check the thickness of the ice. The last thing we need is it breaking and us falling in."
"My guards would get mad if I came back soaked."
"You guards worry about you?" I neve hear him talk about his guards in a casual way. He usually only says what they are doing and not the memories he makes with them. I gave Light his bag that has his skates while I go ahead and check the ice. Light continues to talk.
"Yeah, sometimes it feels like they are my babysitter. They force me to stay on a good sleep schedule and eating schedule since I usually forget to do both. They care for me as much as I care for them. We all look out for each other and I even call them by the nickname we give each other." I laughed a bit. I had no idea about that. It's funny to imagine a guard trying to force Light to go to sleep. The ice was more than thick enough we will have no problems with skating here. Light just finished getting his skates on.
"Did they give you a curfew here?" I teased him as I got my skates on quickly.
"Yes they want me back before midnight." I laughed. I didn't think they really did that for him. Light pouts a bit.
"Sorry. I meant that as a joke. I'll make sure I get you back to your parents before midnight then." I laughed. Light playful runs at me to stop me teasing him. I glide onto the ice and he falls on the ice. I panicked a bit
"Are you okay?! I should have been more careful."
"Yeah I'm alright don't worry." I offered to help him up, but he managed to get up on his own with no problems. I was impressed.
"Usually Red steves have a hard time getting up when they fall on the ice." I told him as I made my way over to him. Light smiles.
"You're just saying that so I won't feel bad falling on my first attempt."
"Considering that you were chasing me I don't think that's a first attempt."
"Thanks. So what do I need to know?"
"Well, I can show you." I took both of his hands and showed him how to skate. I showed him how to speed up, slow down, and stop. Light was a fast learner and is so far doing better than any steve I have seen on ice before. Light was natural. It was really as if ice was his soul.
Light was enjoying this by the looks of it and seemed to be losing himself in the motions of the ice and the sound of the metal as it gently cut the ice leaving small marks of the ground. We have only gone around in circles so far. Out of curiosity when I saw Light in his daze I let go of his hand and stopped where I was at. Light danced on the ice.
He did tricks and performed as if he has been doing this for years. He spun around and did a few jumps that made me worry for his safety. Maybe it's his orange steve side showing on the ice. They are known for trying to do complicated tricks on the ice, but usually they failed their tricks while Light could do them perfectly.
"Come on M!" He said as he took my hands causing me to almost fall as he pulled me into his dance. I had to keep up with his pace. I couldn't do anything like he could, but he seemed to know what he was doing. He helped me do a simple dance on the ice. He did most of the turns for me so I just had to follow him. We slowly sped around faster until we were in the middle of the pound spinning quickly in place. Everything around me was a blur except his face. I could see Light's face clearly in front of me. We slowly moved closer together in our spin and Light put his cold hand on my cheek. I smiled a bit and leaned a bit into his hand.
I heard metal crash together suddenly. Our ice skates accidently clashed together causing our spin to suddenly stop and crash our heads together before we fell hard onto the ice. My back hit the ice first and I lost my breath and my lungs staggered a bit in pain. I then hit my elbow causing that sheer pain on the ground. It always hurts to hit the bone hard. I had to catch my breath. I couldn't breath deeply so I had to calm down my racing heart with shallow breaths. I was laying on my back to see Light rubbing his head.
"Light... are you okay?" I asked between breaths. Light looks at me.
"I just hit my head... nthigns broken though. Are you alright?"
"I just need to catch my breath... I fell on my back first."
"I think I'm going to lay here for a bit too." Light admits as he looks up at the sky. I look up to see the stars and the moon. Not all the stars were visible with the gibbous moon. It was a full moon a few days ago, yet some of the stars still shine above us. I could easily point out some constellations that are in the sky, but I couldn't without losing my breath. After a few minutes of laying on the ice my adrenaline faded and I noticed a sharp pain was on my ankle. I lifted my head and looked to where the pain was to see blood dripping down from my ankle. Looking over I could see some of my red blood on the blade of one of Light's blades. He must have nicked me by accident when we collided.
Looking back over at Light I could see him starting to sit up. His head probably still hurts from our hard fall. He looked at me thankfully not noticing the blood on my leg just yet.
"We should head back.. I don't think I could handle another fall like that." Light admits as I slowly sit up.
"Agreed..." I stood up and staggered a bit in pain causing me to fall on my back again. The cut must be deeper than I thought.
"M?! Oh Origin your leg! I'm sorry." Light gets up and helps me up from the ground. I had to lean on him for support.
"It's not your fault, don't worry." Light helps me get off the pond and makes me sit down. He took out some banges from his bag and wrapped my leg after he took off my skates. He doesn't give time to even say anything before he picks me up and starts to walk back to the red kndom.
"Light, I think I can walk."
"Trust me you won't. That wound is deep and I don't want you pushing yourself." Light says firmly. I sighed not wanting to fight him. He took me home and put me on the couch. He lit the torches in the immediate area and looked for some more medical supplies.
"Light, I can get help from the professor in the morning. I promise I won't get up until then." Light's panic faded and he looked at me.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure. I don't want you to worry more than you have already." Light thinks about it or a moment and sighs.
"I'll come here in the morning then..." He gives me his skates, but I push them to him.
"No you can have them.. They won't do me any good."
"It's so I remember to come back here. I sometimes get forgetful in the mornings." Light says and then gives me a hug. I hugged him back but he didn't let go of me. I smiled, sinking a bit into his chest. I then felt his lips press on the top of my head. He kissed me.
"Thanks for the date M, once you get better we will have to do this again." My heart fluttered in my chest and my face turned red. Light lets go of me with a faint orange blush on his face.
"I will make sure I get my leg healed as quickly as I can then." I promised him. Light smiles and heads to the door. He gave me one last look before leaving to head home. I didn't stop smiling until I fell asleep that night.
(Words 3286) Welp! Here is the first one ^^
FCPrincessX AllyC45

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