"Soulmate Au"

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      Light X Sabre Ship. This is a string soulmate Au.  Everysteve has a string that colors represents the steve they are connected to by souls. Only they can see this string and when they meet their soulmate they can also see their own string. If the soulmate dies or passes the string will cut or change to a faded blue to show they are in the World Beyond. If they are far away the string is loose, but if they are close the string tightens. The string is usually wrapped around the ring finger of the soulmate's dominant hand.
       Example: A Red and Indigo Steve are soulmates. The Indigo Steve has a Red String and the Red Steve has an Indigo string.
       Example Two: For multiple color steves or non steve the string color is for what represents them the best. Time would be Silver, Elemental would be brown. Galaxy Gold, Sabre green ect.
       Sabre only started seeing his string when he first came to the steve world.
      I messed with the loose strings on my fingers. I know who this string belongs to and I have been waiting for it to cut. I have been waiting for it to be cut for a year now. I have had this string for my entire life and it has changed me a few times, but never cut. As Shy I always thought it meant I would find my soulmate with a simple green steve who would keep care of me and be my voice, but when I met Sabre for the first time our strings connected. My soulmate was with a non steve. Sabre didn't know what the string was and never asked another steve about it for a long time. I didn't want a non steve to be my soulmate for the longest time.
     I soon learned more about him and grew attached to him. I wanted to be around him, I wanted to get to know more about him and he felt the same. During the easy days of when he first came to this world we became friends. I tried to ignore my growing feelings for him. I never told anyone that he was my soulmate. I just wasn't ready, especially since Sabre had no idea what the strings were.
      When he died and went to the world beyond I saw his string suddenly turn blue and I cried for hours. The Orange Leader tried to comfort me and ask why I was crying, but I couldn't tell him. What surprised me is that the string turned green again. Sabre was able to leave the world beyond since he wasn't a steve. Every time he enters that realm the string turns blue. That day I truly knew how I felt for him, but I was too afraid to say anything.
      I turned into Light and I grew closer to Sabre, but when the darkness came I lost him. Somehow he learned about the stings and when he stood infected with darkness he got mad at me for not telling him sooner and told me that he loved me for the longest time. I didn't tell him that I loved him back until Sol came around. We started dating and I told him I would always stay by his side, but during the darkness he turned me away saying he wanted to keep me safe especially since all the leaders hated him and started to hate me for being with him. I wanted to cure him from the new darkness, but I couldn't when he cured himself of it and everywhere in the steev world we were finally together in peace. We also told everyone that we were soulmates. We were happy together and finally had peace.
       The First curse ruined everything and now I am alone. Everytime I think of us together I only feel regret now of all the times I fought and hurt him... all the times I hid myself from him because of who seemed to be at first. Nothing more than a non-steve.
      "Captain Light, the meeting is starting in a few minutes." One of the elites took me out of my sadden thoughts and I looked up at him. He has a gentle voice today to me as well as all the other guards who have spoken to me. Today it has been exactly a year since Sabre's sacrifice and my last goodbye to him. I have been working hard, but Sabre's idea of true peace and his memories gets me going through bad days. Today has been one of those days.
      "Thank you for reminding me. I"ll start heading over." I stood up letting the green string lay on the ground again.
      "You don't have to go today, all the leaders will understand if you need this day to yourself. Everyone will understand."
      "No, I want to do this. It will be better if I get one thing done today." I told the guard honestly. They nod and leave the room. I looked at the string again and got ready for the meeting. I put on my white coat that has the colorless symbol on the back similar to the coats all the leaders wear. I put on a colorless guard helmet and make my way to the meeting room. A place that used to be an old library next to the rainbow citadel. I got there with teleportation and went inside to see all the other leaders were waiting for me.
     "Hey Light." M greeted me. I smiled.
      "We are glad you could make it." The Yellow Leader said and I sat down in my chair.
       "Since we are here now we can talk about our plans of expansion." The Violet Leader started to talk about expansion of the ever growing Violet kingdom while my thoughts spaced out. I was trying to focus on the meeting, but thoughts sprayed back to space as vivid memories of what I last saw of him filled my head. I missed him dearly. I would give my life to see him again even if it's just once. I wasn't even paying attention to the meeting anymore.
      I felt something tugg my arm. It was a light tugg, but it was enough to bring me back to reality once again. I looked down expecting it to be one of the leaders who noticed I wasn't paying attention, but instead I saw my string. The string was no longer touching the ground, but hovering slightly above it. The string got tighter. I moved my left arm around a bit seeing it was just from how I was resting my arm, but nothing. The string even started to rise farther up into the air.
      I stood up quickly as I felt tears start to swell in my eyes. This can mean one thing and one thing only. The hope I was trying to force myself to let go of. The hope of Sabre coming back to my world. The hope of Sabre finding his way back home.
      "Light? Are you okay?" The Orange Leader asked me. I looked at him back down at my hand and started running.
       "Light Steve!" The Blue leader called out to me, but I kept running and followed the green string. I saw the string slowly grow tighter and tighter and tiger as I ran. My lungs ached and burned and my legs throbbing. I didn't know where I was running or where I was. All I know is that Sabre was here. He was here and I had to see him. I can't stop running. I just can't. I ran through a forest that soon led me to the orange kingdom. I had to pass through many orange steeves who were concerned about why I was running. Some steves even tried to stop me, but I wouldn't let them stop me. Nothing can stop me, not even Origin himself could.
      I soon got to the memorial of Rainbow Steve and saw there was a bit of a crowd there. It wasn't just from today's date. I saw a familiar face in the crowd. His brown fluffy hair was long and messy. His skin seemed a darker shade. He still had the green hoodie on with this weapon holder. His voice made time freeze around me.
       "Guys I am really happy to see you, but I really need to find Light." Sabre said. He had yet to notice I was here as he was talking to the small crowd of orange steves.
       "Sabre?..." It was the only thing I could muster to say in my shock and joy. His name. The Orange Steves heard me and backed up from Sabre. Sabre looks at me in shock and joy. I went up to him and he walked up to me. We didn't say a word as I wrapped my arms around Sabre's neck and let tears stream down my face. Sabre kissed me back passionately as we ignored everything around us. We were back together and this time nothing was ever going to pull us apart.
         I pulled back from the kiss to breath but I didn't let go of him. Sabre gave me his cheesy smile and I laughed a bit. I couldn't stop crying.
         "I missed you so much.. I thought I would never see you again-" I started to rumble, but Sabre puts hsi fingers on my lips.
         "I love you Light. It took me a long time to get back here, but now I promise no stupid curse or darkness is going to keep us apart again." Sabre promised me.
          "I also won't fight with you ever again. Not like we did when the darkness the first time around-"
           "You don't need to apologize for that really. It's alright." I saw tears start to seep through Sabre's blindfold and I reached my hand to his face, but he stopped me by pulling me into his chest. I took a few shaky breaths, the adrenaline from running ro get here started to fade making me feel weak and tired. Sabre just holds me. He seemed tired himself. I wonder how he managed to get back, but for now I just wanted to be here with him. I don't care how many people were staring at us.
      I won't let that bother me anymore.
(Words 1565) I'm not crying at the thought of Sabre meeting the Steve's again- you are q-q

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