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      Brother bonding time between Elemental and Time. This is an Au or RQ where instead of Elemental dying he escapes with his life and is now recovering on his own. This is also an Au where the First Curse doesn't win and Sabre isn't sent into the loops of the dimension. So Time is still alive and doesn't have to worry about the world falling apart. Hint to Sabre x Time.
     I stood at the edge of a cliff. My legs dangling over the edge. I looked out to the sea that was wild and chaotic just like my mind. The sky was black with dark clouds that clouded the sky. It looks nicer than the strange pink chains above the sky that have recently disappeared a few days ago. The windows howl around me making the trees shake violently and any weak branches to fall to the ground. Everyone around me was cowering at the storm's presence except me. I was at peace here in the storm. A storm that understands my confusion and pain. With all the chaos in life watching this destructive force take away any peace made me feel at home here.
      After everything that has happened to me I still can't answer the questions I have in my mind. My purpose, my meaning, my creator's wishes for me. I will now never know. I will never know why I am still standing here with cracks along my earthly body from my fight with the only person I have left. The person who chose a monster over his own brother.
     I stood up and screamed as loud as I could. The storm's power seems to grow with my ever growing pain and confusion and pain. I was the storm who wishes to destroy everything around me. To make the land around me tear to its soil and roots. I hope that this storm will destroy everything in its path. Maybe I can find my soul twisting answers when the storm tears this area of land apart.
      Thunder sings deeply in the clouds as lightning starts to strike on the sea far from me. The storm was alive with emotion. Anger can be seen with each bolt of lighting, but all I can hear is the grumble of pain in the wind and thunder. Chaos was all I could feel. Soon the lighting will strike the trees and land. It might even strike me here on the top of this cliff. The ander will try to strike me down, but I will stand here taller than ever before.  
       "Elemental!" A voice cries out to me in the chaos of my mind. I turned my head to see a face I didn't expect to see. My Brother who was slowly walking towards me in the raging storm and wind. It started to rain slowly. I couldn't step back or else I would meet my certain doom to the cliff below me, but I couldn't bring myself to go closer to my brother. Time walked to me slowly. The end of his cloak and shoes were covered in mud and dirt. He was shaking from the cold and holding himself.
      "What are you doing here! I thought you would be with your boyfriend!" I yelled at him as he slowly made his way closer. Soon he was only three feet away from me and the rain poured.
       "I wanted to be with you! I wanted to make sure you were okay!" Time had to yell so his voice could be heard, but I only yelled louder.
        "Yeah like before when you left me to be with Sabre! When I was keeping you in the Time Dimension!"
         "I know you wanted to keep me safe, but the world was falling apart! I had to help him save the world from the darkness and the First Curse!"
          "I know that now, but you still chose him over me! I needed your Time and you left me!"
          "I wanted to do what our creator-"
          "Don't pull that! He never told us what we were meant to do!"
           "I know! That's why I stayed with Sabre because I was hoping he would know something but he didn't! I didn't expect I would.. Fall in love with him..." Time started to go quiet. He left to find answers and he didn't find any.
           "It didn't help you so why stay with him? Rather than you falling for him." The wind howls started to grow more quiet and the storm noise weakened. It weakens so I can listen to Time. He walks closer to me.
            "I thought that saving the world might help me figure out what our role is in this world. I know how much you wanted that answer and I wanted it too..."
            "And it leads you to nothing! You were used by Sabre."
           "I was helping him as much as he helped me... I know I didn't get that answer, but I still got an answer."
            "We will never know why we are created then..." The rain grew more heavy. Soon Time was in front of me completely drenched. His clothes and cloak stuck to his skin.
              "We don't need to know. I think our answer is finding it out yourself! We can be whoever we want to be Elemental!" Time explained to me, seeming satisfied with the answer. That answer truly can't be that simple now can it? We can't choose who we want to be.
          "I can't change who I am."
           "No one really can in the end. In the end we decided if we should change. It doesn't matter if it's for the better or worse." Time sat down on the edge of the cliff and I sat down next to him. We watched the storm together.
           "My powers only seem to cause destruction..."
            "And I can't fight with my powers, yet here I am a warrior who fought with Sabre."
            "And I fought against him..."
            "You fought for answers. You can fight and I wish I could, but with my powers the only real thing I can gain is knowledge. I guess that's why I took it into my own hands to find our answers. I may never know why Galaxy created us, or if there even was a reason for creation, but whatever the reason I am happy that I was." Time looked down and the large waves below us. He seemed to be enjoying the chaos, but in secret.
           "Now with the villains gone, there is no reason to fight now is there..."
           "No... I think we'll always have to fight something, but it's not always a person." The winds stopped howling and the ocean waves started to settle. I relaxed a bit.
            "So what are you fighting for now?"
           "For you... and after that I don't know what I may fight for. It could be for Sabre, our creator, knowledge, the future. I will never know." Time went silent and I thought about this. Before I was fighting for control... I was fighting for understanding, but I lost that fight. Now I am standing in a storm. I have the powers of destruction. Water, Fire, earth, plants... I can let it go wild, or contain it in rhythm. Maybe instead of letting it out in sudden bursts I should let it out slowly. A drip of water that can slowly form a cave or ravine. I can change the earth in a moment or in thousands of years. An idea came to mind.
         "How much of the history of the steves are actually known?" The thunder has now faded leaving nothing but the rain and dark clouds.
         "Not much... a lot of history has been lost. Steves species that have been forgotten and creators who will never be spoken of again."
          "Maybe... If I can't find my history. I can do what you tried to do for me?" I asked Time.
          "If that's what you want to do. It will be difficult especially with the injuries you are still healing from."
           "I know.. But maybe no one else will have to feel like us if I do this... I can help people."
            "I think you will brother." Time smiled and suddenly a bright light filled our eyes. The rain faded and the clouds split apart leaving this area in the light of the sun. Destruction threatened to tear everything down just like I hoped it would, but instead it left the place broken, but alive. Overall this area of land still stands strong.
            I hugged Time tightly and he hugged me back. I smiled and relaxed. Time was freezing from the rain so I just increased my body temperature for him. We didn't let go of eachother. I won't hurt him ever again. I don't ever want to hurt him like I did before. I looked out to the shining ocean that was now still and gentle. Everything was gold to the touch. Gold just like my eyes. Gold just like Time's eyes. Gold just like Galaxy's eyes.
            "I love you brother..." I mumble to Time.
            "I love you too." Time sighed, happy that we were back together like we were before. I moved Time's head slightly so he could see the beauty of the sea. Now we both stand on the edge knowing that we won't drop down or fall. We were still here, but no fear threatened us anymore. Our trust has started to heal and the storm I started has finally faded enough for forgiveness.

                Looking down at the two far in the sky was the man of stars with a smile on his face.  
(Words 1543)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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