Baby cinco

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Baby #5 was... different, in terms of pregnancy.

In the beginning, I was already feeling dead. It was horrendous. Daniel took my into the doctor and my blood pressure levels wren't normal, so we decided to stick with the hospital throughout pregnancy and birth. My doctor was actually a great guy. He, too, was from Dallas, born to parents from Mexico, and came to Mexico to help the birth rates. His name was Dr. Costa.

I was now 9 months along. It was 1:14 PM on December 2nd. Daniel came home from a game yesterday, and I could tell he was exhausted, but he acted like he wasn't.

The kids were all playing outside, except Yara, who was playing on the living room floor with Daniel, putting blocks together. Every time her chubby hands would wrap around a block, and she'd look at Daniel and laugh hysterically. He loved it.

I was in the kitchen cleaning when I felt a rumble in my back. I stopped what I was doing and took a deep breath, feeling it ease away mere seconds later. Daniel was too occupied with his youngest child that he didn't notice.

"Pa-pee!" Yara laughed, showing him the blocks. He giggled with her and kissed her forehead sweetly.

"Are you having so much fun with your blocks?" I asked Yara, who looked over at me and giggled. "Yeah, mija?"

"Someone is having lots of fun," answered Daniel, stroking Yara's curly hair. "Aren't you?"

I walked outside to check on the other three, who were playing with a Las Chivas soccer ball. Daniel didn't like how they weren't fans of the team he played for, but I was more than happy because I liked the team.

"Mom!" Samuel said, hobbling towards me, tripping on his feet every so often.

"Are you guys having fun?"

"Yeah!" Marína answered, passing the ball to her older brother.

Even just watching them I felt comforted. They were all pretty good kids and got along great. It was adorable.


4:07 I felt another contraction. I'd felt a few in the hours prior, but nothing too serious. I was in my bedroom leaning forward on my bed. Daniel walked in, a sleepy Yara on his hip.

"Hey," he said softly, noticing my discomfort. "What's wrong?"

"I think I'm having a contraction," I said, my hand on my stomach now. "I started feeling them when you were watching her earlier and I've had a few since."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you'd want to go to the hospital right away," I answered.

"Well, of course I would. Dr. Costa said we'd have to monitor the baby at all costs, sweetheart."

"I just don't feel like being at the hospital."

"I understand, but we have to put the safety of you first. How far apart are they?" he asked.

"An hour or so."

He nodded, thinking.

"I can ask one of the cousins to take care of them while we're there."

"That sounds like a safe idea," he said, looking down at Yara. "Alright, I'll go talk to Maricarmen. Your hospital bag is in the closet. Do you think you can get that and head to the car?"

I nodded, and he left with Yara still on his hip. As I went to the closet, the pressure worsened and I moaned quietly. I stood against the closet door before the contraction faded, and I grabbed the bag and headed to the car.

As I opened the door, Ánder ran towards me and wrapped his arms around my leg.

"I love you, Mommy."

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