Well That Was Unexpected (Surprise! alt)

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Since I looove writing birth, I wanted to do one where I gave birth to baby four like planned! So, this is at our ranch in Mexico, not a hospital in Dallas. Enjoy!


We let out kids visit the United States for a bit of time without us. With the delivery date so close, we didn't want to risk an emergency situation where I had the baby in the middle of Texas. So, despite his conference in Texas, he decided to stay here to help out his pregnant wife.

Times without the kids were magical. We'd had sex in every room of the house - except our kid's rooms. Sex in the bath, sex on the table. You name it, we had it.

I was on our bed right now as he was getting out of the shower, tired from a day of, well...

He was on the phone with a teammate discussing what they'd be doing for training a few weeks after the baby came, but I was still turned on and determined to get him one last time today. It was July 11th, and the sun was absolutely boiling, and all I wanted was him.

"That should work," Daniel said as he walked in the bedroom, noticing me completely naked with my legs spread apart as if he was an OB checking my cervix. He stopped in his tracks and stared at me. "I gotta call you back," he said before handing up, still staring at me.

"I'm feeling awfully needy of you," I said as I stretched my arms out. He crawled onto the bed and wrapped my arms around his torso. He rubbed my baby bump with both of his hands before kissing my softly.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered before looking down at my belly. "How grateful I am to have you carry this life."

He kissed me again, his hands on my sides, and I was undressing him.


On top of sleeping together, we were preparing for birth. We'd planned on having the baby here at home, just the two of us. I wasn't sure where I wanted the delivery, just that I wanted it out here on our ranch like we did with Samuel and Marína.

I'd done bits and pieces of yoga and taken plenty of relaxing baths. Daniel was helping me out quite a bit too, just by helping me walk upstairs, making sure I wasn't in any pain, and best of all, he'd stand behind me and lift up my bump just barely to ease some weight off my back. He gave constant massages anywhere I asked him to, and he shaved my vag for me, too.

Today, we planned on going on a hike to the mountain near our house. It was less than a 30-minute walk, but we decided to drive, and our journey began.

But on the way up, I felt my back hurting more than usual. Catching my breath was harder, and overall, this felt a little more off than when I usually exercised (not that that was often).

"I need to stop again," I said as we continued up the trail. I took in a deep breath, my hands up against a tree I leaned into. Daniel stepped behind me and applied pressure to my lower back.

"Think you're having contractions?"

"It's possible," I said. "I wouldn't rule it out."

"Let's just walk a little bit more before we go back down. Another 30 minutes, maybe?"

I nodded in agreement, knowing that in 30 minutes we'd be at the top of the mountain.

I stopped twice more before we reached the top, and my back was aching from all of the pain and exercise. 

"My back," I hissed as I brought my hand to my lower back, rubbing my bump with the other.

"I'll help," Daniel said as he once again rubbed my lower back, leaving kisses on my neck.

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