Jackson Hale: Origins

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(Before the fall)

POV: Jackson

(One year before.)

(Jackson is now 15.)

"Jackson Hale!" I sat up straight and looked at my math teacher after she called me. 

"Huh?" I was staring off into space, so I had no idea what she had said. 

"I asked if you did your work for today." Ms. Suzuki said while holding her hand out for my homework.

"Um... ok sure." I handed it to her, and she started to head toward her desk. 

"I still don't see the purpose of doing math work on the last day of school." 

At her desk she turned to face the class. "You must always be ready for work, especially if you want to go to U.A." She stated "Now is anyone applying to U. A?"

The second she said "U. A" the first time, the whole class exploded with discussions about who will be going to U.A. To be honest I didn't expect anyone here to go to U. A besides two people. 

The first-person being Katsuki Bakugo, a sandy spiky haired kid who yells for no reason what's so ever. He treats everyone like crap, which I'm not that surprised considering that he can get away with everything with his quirk explosion. 

The other is one of my best friends, Izuku Midoriya. With his broccoli hair and freckles, you can easily overlook him, though I wouldn't recommend it.

His quirk is Lightning Manipulation. He uses energy/stamina to produce lightning in his body that increase his speed and allow him to perform lightning based attacks. I already knew he wanted to go to U. A, as he would always mention it each time, we talked about it.

"OUT OF MY WAY EXTRAS!" Bakugo yelled as he stomped his way to the door. I swear that kid is all about attention. Then Ms. Suzuki faced Bakugo.

"Where do you think you're going?"


"You need a hall-"

" I DONT NEED ANYTHING WOMAN NOW MOVEEEE!" Putting his hands up making baby explosions.

A couple of students snickered while others took videos of Bakugo yelling at the teacher, which I don't get since he always does this.


"Hall Pass."






"Ok here you go." She handed him a hall pass while he stared at it confused then snatched it and left the room annoyed.

The rest of the class snickered and laugh besides Izuku and me. "SHUT IT!" We heard Bakugo scream from the hallway. I frowned. That kid had some issues.

--Lunch time--

"So, what are you going to do Jackson?" Me and Izuku were sitting down at lunch, me eating some mac and cheese while Izuku was eating what he always eats...Katsudon. I still haven't asked why he always eats that all the time, which is fair since I always have Mac and Cheese.

"I don't know" I told him while scarfing my food down. "I'll probably go to a regular high school considering I'm not going to apply to U. A." Izuku frowned and picked at his Katsudon. 

"You should apply too you know..." He said after a while. "I mean you could be part of the support course or something. I'm sure they will let you in." 

"Yea, If I had some actual experience being support." I said while finishing off my Oreos. "I mean U.A is probably looking for the best so there's no point on trying to join."

 "You could always try the hero course." Izuku muttered. I instantly looked up at him and he looked away to the side a bit embarrassed. "Sorry I forgot you were..." Quirkless. Thats what he was going to say. To be honest I'm glad he believes that, it's probably better that way considering the last time I used my quirk... I shuddered at the thought and Izuku noticed.

"You alright?" I nodded and threw out my trash and grabbed my bag. I turned to Izuku and managed a smile. 

"Let's go man, lets head to 6th before we run into the angry Pomeranian."

--A few hours later--

As the bell finally rang me and Izuku were the first people out and quickly headed to Izuku's house. 

As we were walking on the driveway, I could have sworn I saw someone look at us from the shadows of Izuku's neighbor across his house. The dude was wearing a black hoodie, was super skinny, and had blue eyes and blond hair that I kind of recognized. 

I guess he saw that I noticed him because he quickly ran off.

"You alright Jackson?" Izuku asked to look at me curiously. I stayed look at the same spot where I saw that guy was in and then turned to Izuku. 

"Yea man lets go eat! I love your moms cooking."

--20 minutes later--

After dinner, Izuku's Mom, Inko was telling me a story of how Izuku had burped so hard he shot lighting out from his mouth when I heard someone speaking in my head. 

"Jackson time to go!" 

I sighed "Sorry guys, I got to go." 

We said goodbye and I went out to see my Aunt. Shino Sosaki, the pro hero Mandalay, on the driveway. Even though she has taken care of me since I was an infant, I never felt comfortable to call her my Mom.

"Your 5 minutes late." I said with a grin. She rolled her eyes and unlocked the door. 

"If you want, I can come 5 minutes early next time." That shut me up really quick.

As we drove off, I kept thinking about that man I saw and who that could have been. I guess I had a weird look on my face cuz Auntie Shino kept glancing at me.

"You alright? You've been a bit off since I picked you up." 

"Yea I'm fine." I told her but I knew I hadn't fooled her. Between our years together and the way I responded I knew she didn't buy it for one second. She frowned. 

"Is this about Izuku going to U.A?" That chill from earlier came back.

"No." I told her. "Thats not it." Auntie Sosaki was tapping her pointer finger on the steering wheel. After a couple more minutes of silence she finally spoke.

"I know your scared, after what you went through back then I highly doubt you want to go through that again, but it wouldn't hurt to try." She continued tapping the wheel like she was nervous.

I sighed. "I know, but after what happened you know how I feel about my-" I stopped and looked at my arm. I can still remember the tingle when it happened and the pain that came afterward.

We drove the rest of the way home in silence. I can tell Auntie didn't want to say anything regarding Izuku or U.A which I'm glad. When we finally got home, I said goodnight and went to my room. I crawled into bed hoping for a regular night's sleep. But instead, I got the worse sleep and probably night of my life.

It started with the day that curses me every time I'd think about U.A or quirks and every time Izuku mentioned that I was quirk-less. Because the truth is I'm not. In fact, I have an extremely powerful quirk. A quirk that I would still live to regret having.

Because my quirk caused for me to remember the day. The day that haunts me and scares me every day. The day that makes me resent my power along with myself every day.

The day I was cursed.

Dont forget to vote and comment the story! Votes and comments help this story get seen and keeps the motivation up so please do so! TO WRAP THIS ALL UP, I HOPE YOU ENJOYED AND CYA IN THE NEXT ONE!!!!!

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