Chapter 1

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It was a Sunday evening, around 2 pm. Band practice ended half an hour ago but Adrien lied to his father saying that it was a bit longer today. Strangely Gabriel was ok with it.

The couple was in Luka's room talking about anything that comes up, while Luka was playing a tune. "So yeah I hope Marinette's alright," Adrien sighed. "She will be just fine...she was kinda stalky in my opinion and her crush on you was getting weird," Luka stated. Adrien hummed in agreement remembering that she had pictures of himself all over her room, even his schedule...don't question why he knows...curiosity killed the cat. He knew that he was completely stupid for thinking that 'she just really likes fashion.' "But if anything happens I know a hot boy in a skin-tight catsuit will single-handedly defeat another Akuma" He plucked a note from his guitar while saying that in a sing-songy voice. Adrien flushed and stuttered as Luka laughed.

"H-hey Luka?" Luka stopped playing and looked at his boyfriend. "Yes, love?" He smiled. Adrien smiles goofily at the name, "Can we- um- can we cuddle?" Adrien holds his arms out. Luka smiled brightly and put down his guitar. "Of course!" He scooped him up and laid down with him on the bed. Adrien pulled closer and hid his flushed face in Luka's chest. Luka sighed happily and petted the blond's hair.

"Adrien...I've got a question..." Luka spoke with a hint of seriousness. "Yes Luka?" Adrien carefully pulled his head up to look at Luka. "So um...I know Mari knows about us...and that was my fault because I got obviously jealous haha-" Luka took a breath and Adrien patiently waited. "How do you feel about people knowing about us?" Luka finally asked. Adrien paused. "Well...I'm not out of the closet yet...and the only people that know are Mari, and Plagg." Adrien nervously started to draw shapes on Lukas back. Luka kept petting his hair to comfort him and surprisingly worked and relaxed in his touch. "A-and I'm scared that word goes out and my father finds out- he's not very friendly with the Lgbtq community..." Luka hummed in understanding. "That's ok, we can tell a few close friends when you're ready. We don't have tou tell your dad any time soon." Luka spoke in a comforting tone. "Thank you" Adrien sighed and nuzzled in Lukas neck. "Anything for my Angel."

Time passed quickly much to their dismay, and now Adrien had to leave the warmth of his boyfriend to the awaiting Limo to go back "home." He doesn't and never will seriously call the Agreste mansion home. The home feeling left a while ago when his mom disappear- ...died...But now he's found a new home. Here at Lukas quaint houseboat. He knows that his mom would've been happy for him. "Bye Luka, I'll see you tomorrow." He pouted, missing him already. "Bye-bye kitty, I'll see you tomorrow, I love you" Luka leaned and kissed him sweetly. "I love you too," Adrien said.

Time skip to the next day and Adrien arrived at school. He closed the car door behind him and was unfortunately greeted by a blonde brat. "ADRIKINSSSSSS!" Chole tried so hard to kiss his beloved Adrikins but tragically completely missed because Adrien dodged for his dear life. "Don't be scared Adrikins it's just a peck-" Chole persitantly leaned in once more. "Anyways how was your weekend Chloe?" Adrien nervously said, trying to divert her to a new topic, of course it worked. "It was great! Daddy gave me a new necklace, see!" Chole showed him the necklace and he complimented her and said that it looked good on her. For one, as a fashion model, he thought that chole dressed nice today. Second, if he didn't, he'd never hear the end of it.

Chloe went on and on about what her dad buys her every other day when Nino spotted- or rather- saved Adrien. "Hey dude!" Nino waved at Adrien to join him and his girlfriend. "Sorry Chole, I gotta go, see you around!" Adrien smiled politly and walked towards his best friend. "Hey Nino! Hey Alya! Is Marinette late as per usual?" Nino smiled but faltered and he saw Alya's eyes roll. "Sorry dude, she's in a sour mood-"

"Maybe because he's acting like nothing happened!" Alya exclaimed cutting of her boyfriend. Adrien guessed it was connected to Marinette and frowned. "She's not coming today, she told me not to make a big deal out of it but- You hurt my girl!" Alya looked pissed. Vaild enough, she was only looking out for her best friend. "Hey let's not fight about it, Adrien did nothing wrong and we can't do anything about it" Nino budded in, thanks Nino.

Alya stood down with a defeated huff. She knew he was right, but she was a little too protective over her bestie. She walked off to possibly cool off.

"Don't worry man, she was just looking out for Marinette." Nino put a supportive hand on his shoulder. "Thanks Nino, I'd wouldn't know what to say back there." He let out a nervous chuckle. "It's no problem dude, I tried my best" Adrien smiled as they started walking to class.

"So, not interested in Mari? Totally thought you had a thing for her." Nino said, unknowing how to successfully change the topic. "Yeahhhh not really, she was cool about it though, I guess she just needs a little space. I understand." Nino smiled at that, as long as there two friends where on good terms.

"Yeah...Soooo, you interested in anybody?" Nino grinned and elbowed Adrien. Adrien flushed red. "OOOOOOO WHO?? Are you dating anyone??!!" Nino blurted out. "Uhhhhhh-" Adrien had gone redder, immediately answering Ninos question. "OH MY GOD YOU ARE-" "YOU KNOW TOO MUCH" Adrien hollered as he snatched Nino's hat and ran to class. Nino yelled a "HEY" and chased him to receive his hat.

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