Chapter 3

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Tiki flew and whizzed through the air to Françoise Dupont High School with the ladybug earrings. She heard a couple of booms and crashes as she went. She was afraid for Paris as well as her friend.

"ADRIEN" Tiki shouted in a whisper. Even though it was lunch time and the the cafeteria echoed many voices, she didn't want to risk being heard by her friends.

Adrien turned his head to the voice and saw Tiki with Marinette's earrings...uh oh...this isn't good. "Hey guys, I'll be in the library I forgot to study for that math test." Adrien announced to his friends. "Awww you sure? It'd be less fun without you." Rose said.

She had joined the table with her girlfriend Juleka for the day. Nearly the whole homeroom class are good friends, but they can't all fit in one table, so they all sit in neighboring tables with their closer friends within the group. Of course from time to time they'd catch up by switching seats now and then.

"Sorry Rose but I gotta keep those grades up heheh- later!" Adrien gave an awkward smile as he walked away. Luka stood up. "I'll go with him, knowing him he'd probably get distracted, plus it be great chance to actually study for once haha" The group chuckled and bubbled with small laughs while Luka followed Adrien.

As soon as he caught up with Adrien he asked what's up. "Sorry I left so abruptly, Tiki came to me with her earings and I kind of freaked." He sighed. Luka looked down at the kwami Adrien held in his palm. "What's wrong- Tiki was it?" Luka questioned. Tiki nodded and flew to Adrien and Luka's eye level. "M-" bubbles flew out her mouth. "She...Got Akumatized! She tried her best but hawkmoth took over! We need help!" Luka and Adrien looked at each other with a worried look. "Who's going to be Ladybug?!" Adrien broke the silence.

Tiki flew up to Luka. "Luka Couffaine. I entrust you with the Ladybug Miraculous. You both have a strong bond, I believe you both will make a great team."
Luka froze in shock. "Are you sure?" He asked humbly. "Yes, more sure than ever, now quickly, we don't have much time!" Tiki said swiftly. Luka took the earings and put them on. Adrien looked around and didn't see people, but there were still surveillance cameras. "In here!" He grabbed Luka's hand and pulled him to the nearest mens bathroom. "Plagg, claws out!" Adrien transformed into chat noir in a flash. Luka looked at Tiki of assistance. "The words are 'Tiki spots on'!"

"Tiki spots on!" A bright light surrounded him as he transformed. Chat squeezeed his eyes shut from the light. When it died down he saw Ladybu- boybug? Mister bug?

Luka's faded blue hair turned into a red fade to match the color. He wore a black tail coat, the tail nearly reaching the floor. He had black gloves, a red and black spotted button up with tight black dress pants and nice boots that are black and trimmed with red. And of course the iconic spotted mask.

Chat flushed at the sight, and gazed at his new look. "Cat got your tongue kitty?" Luka said flirtatiously. "I- you're hot-" He said absent mindedly. "I MEAN I'M HOT- IT'S HOT- I'M NOT- WHAAAATTT???" Chat panicked as Luka chuckled at his atics. "You're quite attractive yourself kitty" He grabbed Chats waist and kissed him. Chat hummed into the kiss.


They quickly separated, "Right! Marinette! Akuma! Yep!" He brought himself back to reality. Luka giggled while he walked up to a small window and opened it. "After you kitty." He said jokingly. Chat laughed "Such a gentle bug." He hopped out the window. Luka followed. "Hey, that's a good name idea, matches my outfit." Luka voiced a thought. "Gentle bug it is!" Chat smiled

They hopped from roof top to roof top, Chat was using his enhanced hearing to locate exactly where Marinette was.
"Here she is!" He pointed to show Lu- Gentle bug. Luka pulled out his yoyo witch was inside his tail coat like a pocket watch. "You ready bugaboy?" Chat getting ready to pounce into action. "Not sure, but we don't have time." He responded truthfully. Chat smiled apologeticly and jumped down towards the Akuma. Luka took a breath and jumped down to join him.

Autours note:
YOOOO SO LET ME SAY WHAT INSPIRED ME TO DO THIS SO ONE DAY I WAS- Ok ok truthfully I wanted to see who actually reads author notes- like- at the end of a chapter I see a note and im like "Ehhhhh I don't care." It could be important information that would explain something in the story and I'd still ignore it. So this is just a little experiment to see if I'm the weird one or not. 😂

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