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Jungkook looked up hesitantly at Taehyung
They were in the practice room sitting in a circle. Hyung kept on talking.
Jungkook looked at him in wonder. How can he talk like that infront of so many people? He admired Taehyung's courage.
He feels weak in his knees looking at the hyungs..they are all very experienced.
The manager nim and Noona came in giving them their schedules.
Jungkook bowed taking his file. It is filled with trainings and recordings.
"Oh and Jungkook, Taehyung will sleep in the empty bed in your dorm"
Jungkook bowed down nervously. They left and it's time for the boys to leave too. He looked up and Taehyung opened his mouth looking at him..
He is saying something..
Jungkook immediately turned away and ran to his room. He felt nervous and scared.
Stupid..why did you run..
Taehyung is gonna sleep in the same room.
He got in his bed and pulled the blanket on him pretending to sleep.
Taehyung opened the door slowly.
"Jungkookah! Will you help me with the suitcase?"
Jungkook got down immediately and dragged the suitcase in slowly. He kept his head down all the time. He put it near Taehyung's bed and bowed down respectfully. He caught a quick glimpse of the handsome face. Taehyung is smiling looking at him.
"Thank you Jungkook"
Jungkook turned around to get in his bed.
"Jungkook! I'm not done with you. It is rude to turn away like that.."
Jungkook turned back quickly bowing in apology. He could feel his legs trembling.
Taehyung just used the hyung card. What if Taehyung didn't like him? What if he bullied him. Jungkook bit his lip in nervousness.
"Come here"
Jungkook stepped closer carefully. His nose and cheeks red.
Taehyung put his hand on top of his hair ruffling it.
"I'm gonna go sleep on the rug in the living room. Why don't you come along?"
Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes. Sleep in the living room?
"Hobi hyung and joonie hyung are also coming. We can all sleep together. We'll get to know each other much better"
Joonie hyung? Jungkook felt scared. What if they didn't like him?
He slowly shook his head.
"H-hyung..I'll sleep here in the bed"
"Ahh, if you sleep here in the bed, how will hyung know you? Hyung wants to know you...I'm not allowing you to sleep by yourself here" he pulled Jungkook by his elbow shaking him up.
"What do you say? Is it fair for hyung? Are you being fair? Huh?" he pulled him like a small kid.
Jungkook smiled a little.
"Huh? Answer your hyung" he pressed.
"No hyung?" Jungkook said doubtfully.
"That's right, now are you gonna do it or not?"
"Yes I'll sleep with you"
"There you go now bring your blankets and pillow"
Jungkook picked his blanket and pillow into his hand securely. He followed Taehyung hyung outside.
They put the blankets down and made beds.
The hyungs came and taehyung talked to them like there is no end. Jungkook sat silently to the corner. He didn't know how to talk like Taehyung hyung.
"This one is very silent" Namjoon pointed at him after a while.
Jungkook ears became red. He bit his lip nervously.
"May be he is intimidated because we're all elder than him" hobi giggled.
Taehyung put a hand around on his shoulder and pulled him close.
"He is very shy" taehyung said.
Jungkook felt like crying. They are talking about him.. like he is not here. He wanted to talk but the words wouldn't come out. What should he say? His lips trembled badly.
"Aigoo" hobi hyung cooed as a tear fell from his eyes. Taehyung is laughing while rubbing on his back. Is he consoling him? Are they being good? or bad to him? He couldn't tell.
"Jungkook you don't have to feel nervous. Your words and opinions will be very welcomed and appreciated. Please say what you want to say" Namjoon said in his deep voice.
"I-I..no nothing like that. You're all talented a-and I'm just.."
"No no no" Taehyung used his sleeves to wipe his tears.
"Jungkook you're here because you are talented. All of us are bts meaning everybody has equal part of it. There is no one less and no one more. Do you understand? I'll make sure you'll be treated with respect and your thoughts or ideas won't go unlistened, please be brave, we're all gonna be a family" namjoon assured with a smile.
Jungkook nodded wiping his face.
Taehyung ruffled his hair once again.
"Let's sleep?" he asked with his boxy smile and everyone agreed.
They all slept side by side on the big rug.
Somewhere in the middle of night taehyung pulled him close to his chest and hugged him putting a leg on top of him. Jungkook is too scared to brush him off. So he slept silently enduring the heavy leg.
What is this weird feeling? Are they really family? he wondered.
He yawned getting up after everybody did. They need to go to the training. Taehyung left his pillow..hyung left his pillow....should he return it?? he picked it up taking it to the room.
Taehyung is searching in suitcase for some clothes. Jungkook put his pillow carefully on his bed and turned around.
"Jungkook wait. Come sit here"
Jungkook felt the nervousness comeback. He did as told biting his lips. Taehyung got up and stood infront of him. He came super close to him. He smiled and ruffled his hair.
"You passed my friendship test" he tapped his cheek.
"So if you want we can be friends. You can drop the hyung and call me Tae"
Jungkook looked up surprised. Did he want to drop the honorifics? Isn't that rude..
"What do you say?"
"I-I don't want to disrespect you"
"Ohh Jungkookie, I'm asking aren't I? Then it won't be a disrespect"
Jungkook looked down in thought. Is it okay to be friends even if they are two years apart? He couldn't call him by his name. He couldn't even look him straight in the eye.
"Hyung, I'm scared..I don't...I didn't.." he is too scared to even say no. Tears pooled in his eyes.
"I-I..." the drops fell down unknowingly.
"Oh baby, no" Taehyung wiped his cheeks.
"It's your wish. Whatever you want" he said pinching his cheeks.
"I-I I will call you hyung"
Taehyung gave an immediate sigh.
"Alright then hyung will take care of you. You can ask hyung's help in anything okay? And hyung will be goofy. Don't mind his goofiness"
"Y-Yes hyung, pls take care of me" he bowed down in respect.
"Oh you'll see how good I take care of you"
Taehyung ruffled his hair and went back to searching his clothes.
Jungkook went to the bathroom to take a shower. His heart beating fast and cheeks blushing. Something about this hyung is very attractive, he couldn't figure out what it is. He'll try to find what it is today he thought thinking about their schedule, afterall they're gonna spend a lot of time together, he smiled to himself.

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