XXII. Robin

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I was really glad we had Starfire on the team. We needed someone who was able to talk to people and cheer them up. I couldn't hear what she was saying as she talked to Sonic, but I knew she would be able to help.

That's when I knew we had to get to Slade. And this time, we couldn't fail.

As soon as the movie Beast Boy had picked out was finally over, I addressed the team. I hadn't actually noticed that Sonic was out of the room until after I spoke. "We have to find Slade."

"And just how do you plan on doing that?" Raven asked. "He's not exactly an easy one to track, and you of all people should know that."

"I want you and Starfire to try something." I paused as Starfire's attention sharpened. "You and Starfire can both fly, but you can only channel so much power yourself. Can you work with Starfire and spread your power along the city?"

For a moment, Raven didn't even seem to move. Starfire was looking intently at her, and it was obvious she didn't see any problem with the plan. I had no idea if it would work. For all I knew, it was a silly idea that had come into my mind.

"I will do it," Raven said.

I nodded to her. "Next, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Sonic and I are going to spread out across the city waiting for Raven's command. Once she tells us where Slade is, the person closest to wherever he is will scout out the entrance. If it's you, Beast Boy, you'll have the best chance at being quiet."

"At least it's a plan." Cyborg replied, "But beating Slade is like trying to eat a month-old piece of pizza. How do you want us to beat him?"

My hands gripped the edge of the couch we were all sitting on. "We don't need to defeat him. We just need to get Tails."

"You can't." Everyone except for me turned when they heard Sonic's voice. It was void of all the energy that it always had. It was as if every emotion had been drained out of him forever. He was more serious than I usually was.

"What?" I replied, still clutching the sofa.

"Slade's not alone," Sonic replied, standing in the middle of the room, "and it's not just because of Terra."

The room grew tense, and I swear I could hear his teeth grinding. What did I not know about Slade?

"Slade has a kid." he finally said. "A shape-shifting, evil kid. Terra... I don't know who that is, but whoever we saw..."

He had been betrayed by whoever this person was. Even so, his feelings toward him or her weren't... anger. It was confusion and sadness, but as if he had been more betrayed that the person had broken his trust in the form of someone else.

"We're going through with the plan," I suddenly said to break the silence. "It doesn't matter who we're up against; this time, we are going to save your friend. And we're going to succeed."

He was surprised, but he smiled, and I felt like his old spark came back. "Thanks."

I smiled back at him, then stood and faced the team. "Raven, Starfire, we'll meet up with you in the city. And watch out for your sister."

A fire ignited in Starfire's eyes. "She will be going down if she happens to run into me!"

"Everyone else, to the T-Ship!" I called.

"Hope she survives the whole mile flight," Cyborg replied.

We mostly ignored Cyborg and went into the garage, climbing into the T-Ship. Even Sonic came with us, eyeing the water as if it was going to jump out at him. Once we arrived in the city, I told Cyborg to take the upper part of the city, Beast Boy to take the middle part of the city, and Sonic and me to take the lower part.

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