IV. Robin

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After handing them water skeins, we got the whole story from them; which didn't have much to it: they were running and a rock broke and they fell into a lava pit. Still, it wasn't everyday there was a lava room conveniently underground where someone was searching.

"But did you find Slade?" That was my first question. I needed to know where he was. Unfortunately, I was sure of their answer.

"No." Sonic shook his head.

"But there were these weird machines that kept trying to break the rocks." Beast Boy added. "It was breaking the ceiling, and we barely got out of there before it collapsed."

"Y'know, Robin, not every attack on us has to do with Slade." Cyborg added. "We've had a ton of enemies, and new ones appear all the time."

"But it is the first time a being has crossed dimensions." Raven added, looking at Sonic.

"Well, that's not true either." I replied. "We had your father, we have, well, you and Starfire, and that little... fan of me."

"But I only come from a separate planet." Starfire explained. "There were no dimensions crossed to get to neither my planet nor Earth."

Raven examined herself. "Starfire's right, I guess you've got a point about me. But still, Slade saved my life, even if he was after me for a long time. He's out to destroy Sonic and whoever has come with him. Does he have a reason?"

"Are you saying you don't trust me?"

I winced as my stomach fell, and we all looked at Sonic. He stood up, looking at the ground, his face either frustrated, angry, or sad.

"We are just discussing Slade's reasoning, Sonic." Starfire said. If anyone could comfort him, she could. "You have already shown you will help us by saving our friend's life."

Raven's face was full of guilt, but there was no way she would show it to Sonic. It wasn't her fault. She was just stating a fact and a reasonable question... But they were hard to face. Why was Slade so against Sonic being here?

"Er, yeah." Beast Boy added, trying to make it all less awkward, or maybe so someone would say something. "Thanks for that. And maybe we should go home. I mean, after all, it's been a long day, and I almost got burnt to a crisp with this guy, eh?"

"Hey, it was fun!" Sonic replied. We all followed me as I walked toward the exit of the cave. None of us talked, and the tension seemed high, even though Sonic had seemed to relax.

Once we got outside, everybody finally seemed to relax. The sunset was bright and hurt our eyes at first, but was better than being underground for hours at a time. After a few more minutes of walking, we arrived at the T-ship and were able to go home.

The first thing Cyborg and Beast Boy did when they got to the tower was play their silly video game. Beast Boy implored Sonic to join them, and since Starfire was in the kitchen and Raven was reading a book, and I was sort of standing in the middle of the room watching what everyone else was doing... He shrugged, jumped over and onto the couch and grabbed a controller. I was going to go into my room and work on searching for Slade, but...

"Robin!" Starfire shouted, running from her work. I cursed. I usually tried to leave when no one saw me, but that usually wasn't hard.

"What?" I replied as she nearly ran into me.

"You cannot seriously think of going to work after such a long day!" She ordered, trying to look mad. She wasn't really good at that.

"I-I was going to, yeah... Is that bad?"

"We travelled through that cave and spent the day through it. I refuse to let you leave this room so you can work on some silly project!"

I moaned, sitting next to Raven at a table near the kitchen. I stared at her, trying to see if I could strike up a conversation. Cyborg and Beast Boy were okay, but they were also loud.

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