X. Robin

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We all went separate ways before Sonic's escapade with Slade. I was walking through the street, though, when someone dressed up as me attacked me.

There was what looked like a life-like mannequin dressed up like me, so I stopped to look at it. Every detail was flawless. My belt, my shirt, my hair... Even my skin was exactly the same as it was on the mannequin. It was like looking in a mirror.

I looked from side to side, and it suddenly disappeared. I blinked and rubbed my eyes, but it had definitely vanished. I just thought I needed to get some more sleep.

With a yawn, I turned to walk, and there it was in front of me. It was behind me as well. "What are you?" I asked it.

"Is that how you greet someone?" It asked, both mannequins hitting me on either side.

I fell to my knees. "Fine. Who are you?"

The mannequins smiled. "That's better."

But it hadn't answered. Silently, I pulled out my bo-staff, then quickly raised my hand near my head and extended it. The mannequins went flying backwards.

"That wasn't what I expected." They said, each pulling out a bo-staff of their own.

If this was a one on one battle, it might have been possible. But two of me against one of me... I wasn't so sure. But I ignored my gut and dodged their attacks as much as I could; I jumped over some, held the bo-staff to deflect a few, and ducked to miss other attacks. But I couldn't keep it up forever, and I couldn't get on the offensive.

"I guess we need more power." The mannequins said simultaneously. I watched in wonder and horror as one of the mannequins split into another me, letting the other whack me on my arm. The lower half of my non-fighting arm started to burn and shake uncontrollably.

I knelt towards the ground and swung the bo-staff across the ground, but two of the mannequins jumped over it, grabbing some of my birdarangs. That's when I started to run.

Most of them missed me, and I threw some back. I held my arm in front of me, knowing I would have to wait for Raven to repair it. It burned and stung, and every time it moved, a pain went through my wrist and hand. It was completely unusable.

The mannequins continued to follow, and another one morphed out of them. I ran into an alleyway, hoping to jump up to the top of the building, but one of them grabbed my leg, swinging my back to the ground.

"What do you want?" I asked, my hand clutched around my bo-staff.

"You out of the picture." They said. "For now."

He wrapped his hand around my communicator and squeezed, killing any signals to or from anyone.

He let go and let my hand fall, and I pulled my bo-staff out again. I didn't know why I was trying again. But I at least figured out something. The extra morphed mannequins dissolved once they got stabbed through. They were soft, like jelly, but they got harder once there were less morphs. I destroyed two, but couldn't get my staff through the other extra.

Then they simultaneously hit me on my head and everything turned white.

It was really dark when I woke up. The mannequins had left their mark on me, though, and I could feel it. My arm felt like it was getting worse, which didn't seem possible. The back of my head throbbed. The clothes on my sides and chest were torn, and purple spots were starting to sprout.

Perfect. The leader of the Titans had been beaten by himself.

I stood up. The Titans were probably back at the tower and asleep, and my communicator was busted. Was I really going to be reduced to using a boat and a paddle?

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