Chapter 18 { Soup }

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I got out of my bed, well it's not my bed but whatever. I'm so Hungry. Roooaaarr. Hehe.

I when into the small kitchen, it was small, that's all I can use to describe. I started looking through everything, in the quest for food. Empty, empty, empty, soup! I have the can of soup now, but how do I open? I imagined the soup opening. To my surprise it did but not the way I wanted it to. The soup became really hot, so I dropped it. It spun like crazy. When I tried to touch it, want to know what happened.

It exploded all over me! It got everywhere. I hate how unlucky I'm am. Can't I be lucky.

The soup was extremely hot but I couldn't feel my skin burning, so looks like my skin can't burn, unlike my friend Kylie.

Flash back

I ran over to my friend and asked why she had a cast on, or was it the stuff they use, what's like paper towel. I forget.

So she said, that on the weekend she gone to a camp and one of the leaders spilled hot coffee on her arm.

She also said, that she ran around like crazy after. It was something like that.

End flash back

Haha I forgot about that, how old were we? I miss Kylie a lot, I wish she didn't have to move, so so far away.

After thinking about Kylie for awhile, I remembered I had to clean up my mess.

I found a cloth on the table and stared to whip down the floor.

After what felt like ten hours of cleaning and washing, the small house was clean again.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This chapter is dedicated to ozwa1090 check out here books "Supernatural: Hunting was Never a Chore" and "Supernatural: The end has just begun"

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