Chapter 20 { USB }

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11:59 am
My hands were shaking, I had come up with a plan this morning, it was very bold and risky, but I had to do it. Though my nerves were like they were having a party.

12:00 pm

Ok. Action.

Step one, get on the helicarrier.

I had figured out how to use my teleporting, I had to see or know where I was going. I imagine the helicarrier's hospital room, the one that started this, in the first place.

Next thing I knew I was in the helicarrier, boo yah! I was in the medical bay. It's was still under repair.
I wonder how the helicarrier almost crashed like that, if your asking, it wasn't me.

I quickly got out of the medical bay and into the hall. I close my eyes and imagine everything around me, I imagined going in every room really fast intil I found the computers. This trick I figured out, when i got lost in the woods and found my way back to the cabin.

Then I opened my eyes again.

Step two, sneak past all guards and cameras.

Now that there where cameras everywhere, I decided that, this plan was very well planed. So I just decided to fry every camera in sight.

I ran to one hallway to another. Each time making sure that no one was looking. I'm surprised I'm so calm today.

After running left and right I made my why to the info place. Hopefully unseen.

Step three, download info.

Now to open the lock all you got to do it knock, or you can just blast down the door. Hmmm what should I do? Blast down the door it is. That then set off the alarm, so I have to be quick.

I ran straight for one one the computers and put in my USB. I have no time to look for the files I want so I'm just going to download as much as I can. That will take time. So I block the broken door entrance with tall data systems.

I waited for the USB to download but it took forever to load. I heard some agents banging on the door, then I heard more and more. I push against the data system as long as I can, stupid USB, be faster. I started to put random stuff to block the entrance. When I was about to get something else, to block the door, there was nothing else.

I looked back at the USB. Oh come on. Only 60%, really.

I pushed on the door to make as much time as possible. The agents smarted up and started to blast the door down with there guns.

I looked back at the USB. 75%.

It would be only a matter of time intil they get in.

Then I hear shouting, to stand back. What every that was, it wasn't good. I jumped back immediately.



The ash hit my face, eww it tastes horrible.

Then ding. USB at 100%. Yessss!

Step four, get out of here.

I make a dash for the USB, before anyone could move. Then when I have it, I'm gone.

Next thing I was at the cabin.

Mission success! Gold star anyone.

Then a thought came to mind. Big super villains, take mouths of planning, and sometimes fail, to steal info from S.h.i.e.l.d. It took me, a teenage girl, a day of planning and superpowers.

I. Am. Awesome!

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