Chapter 6

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Day 84/ Andy's 21 Weeks and 1 Day... Today, there is a shift. Lucas and Vic plan to tell the team, and Andy has an appointment with the loan officer here at the station.

Andy took the girls to school, and then headed to the station with a backpack full of paperwork. Vic took the shift off, so did Lucas. So, Vic and Lucas are going to come by the station later.

The loan officer showed up about noon. Conversation... April: Hello. My name is April. I'm here to see Andrea Hurrera. Maya: I'll go get her. Andy: Hi, I'm Andy. April: I'm April, your loan officer. Andy: Let's go to my office. Maya, you're in charge. Maya: Okay. (They go to the captain's office and Andy gets out her tub of paperwork.) April: Will your husband be joining us? Andy: No, he's deployed. April: How can I help you? Andy: I need a VA home loan. My family is expanding and Robert's leaving the Army. April: Okay. (April goes over the paperwork. They spend over an hour in there.) April: As a couple, you qualify for $550,000, but alone $400,000. Andy: That's a lot. April: I can get you in touch with a military realtor. Andy: Thank you. (April leaves and Andy comes out.) Maya: What was that about? Andy: It was nothing. Maya: Okay.

After Andy finishes with April and Maya, Andy gets a text from Vic saying that her and Lucas are on the way, and need to meet her outback. So, she sneaked outback. Andy is super excited to tell the team about the marriage, engagement, and how the wedding went.

Andy: Hey, guys. You ready to tell? Vic: As we can ever be. Let's go in and tell them. Lucas: Okay. (They all walk in and go upstairs. Andy then yells.) Andy: Guys, get up here! (They come running.) Vic: I got married! (Vic shows off her ring.) Maya: Wow. To who? Lucas: Me. Travis: You married the fire chief?! Vic: Yes, I did. Jack: Why aren't you surprised Andy? Andy: I was there. Vic: So, what do you think? Travis: We're happy for you. Vic: Thank you. Maya: Andy, do you know the chief? Lucas: I trained her before she became a traveling firefighter for the Seattle Fire Department, I had to check in with her every six months, so we've become family. She's basicly my sister. Andy: In fact, he has my sons middle name. Which is Henry Lucas. Vic: Well, we're off on our honeymoon to Canada. Bye guys. (Vic and Lucas leave. Then everybody stares at Andy.) Andy: What? Travis: Did you take pictures? Andy: Of course. Jennifer took a video of the ceremony. (Thankfully the girls, weren't in the video.) Andy: I'll have her send it for you guys to see.

(The team gets a call, and leave. When they leave, Andy gets a phone call.) Captain Harris: Hello, mam. This is Captain Harris from the US Army. Is this Andrea Sullivan? Andy: Yes, it is. Is my husband okay? Captain Harris: Your husband has been injured. You are needed on base. Andy: I'll be on base as soon as possible. (Andy runs to her locker, grabs her stuff, leaves a note on the captain door, and leaves. She then calls Vic and Lucas. Lucas hears Andy crying.) Lucas: Andy, what's wrong? Andy: It's Robert. He's been hurt and they won't tell me anything, till I get on base. So, I'm driving there now. Lucas: Andy, be safe and call when you know anything. Andy: Okay. (Andy arrives on base, and heads straight for the offices. When she got there, she had calls from Maya, but she engnored them.) Andy: I'm here to see Captain Harris, I'm Andrea Sullivan. (Captain Harris comes out.) Captain Harris: Ms. Sullivan, we know that he was shot in his shoulder. He's okay as far as we know. He'll be stuck on base for about a week, but then he'll be good to go. Andy: So, he's alright? Captain Harris: Yes. (Andy just starts crying.) Andy: He's okay. Captain Harris: You should expect to hear from him, within the next eighteen hours. Andy: Thank you. Captain Harris: You're welcome.

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