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It's this feeling of hopelessness
It's this feeling of helplessness
It sucks all forms of reasoning out of you
It leaves you bare
For everyone to see
It keeps you up at night
It leaves you torn at day
It never stops
Always at the back of your mind
When you eat, read, walk, talk
Like a parasite,
It sticks to you, eating you up slowly
It's your biggest nightmare
It's your greatest challenge
It brings even the strongest person to their knee
It makes even the toughest person cower
It's different, yet the same
It's ruthless, breaking you down, tearing you apart, devouring you
It trickles then washes over you like water being poured from a kettle
It seizes you and strangles you, chokes you like burning fire
It hugs you like a blanket then suffocates you
It is what most ran from
What most are running from
What most will run from
It never stops
It's aim;
To fill you up
To dim your inner light
Until you are nothing but a shell.

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