Chapter One - Growing Pains

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"I NEED my independence Dad!"

"You need to stay safe! Every time you go you risk not only your own life, but the lives of those who have to go look for you."

"I never ask for people to look for me, you just decide I need help! I don't want to risk their lives. Besides which every time I go out I find something useful that benefits everyone."

"You are our best scavenger, true. But I can no longer sit by and let you go into those ruins by yourself. You are the daughter of a chieftain, T'kyra. You have responsibilities."

"I don't want to risk an entire team though!"

"T'kyra, The matter is settled. I appreciate you don't want to be held back by an entire team. I have decided you will partner up with Oso."

"NO! Not him!"

"I will have no more discussion on this matter! Not only do I outrank you, but I am your Father. You will do as I say."

T'kyra's face flushes crimson as she sees her dad stare her down from across the room. The chieftain is big and imposing, even to his only child. Although she is fiery and doesn't like to back down, somehow her father always makes T'kyra feel like a small girl, forcing her into submission. Anger wells up inside her as the sheer futility of her arguments hit home.

"ARGH!" T'kyra storms out of the house and into the village square, slamming doors as she goes. At this time of night the square was empty, most of the clan members having retired for the evening. Scattered buildings are silhouetted under the clear sky, the moon reflecting its pale light onto the landscape. The young heiress meanders through aimlessly, trying to find a place to go. The canteen would be empty, and she didn't want a run in with the cook now. The barracks are locked down for the night. The research centre would only remind her of work.

As she wandered through the streets, her thoughts drifted back to her home. Being the daughter of the chieftain was hard. Being without a mother was tough for any child. Being sixteen was beyond awful for any girl. T'kyra was all three, and it was taking its toll.

T'kyra hadn't held herself back. In fact, most youths do not take on clan positions until they are eighteen. As part of Clan Tanika's research team, her job is to explore the desolate wastes of the once-bustling cities for any items that could help rebuild her broken race. She is also tasked with seeking out and destroying any form of artificial intelligence, for fears of resurrecting the war that nearly destroyed humankind over two hundred years ago.

Why does he treat me like a little girl? Doesn't my own dad trust me? Why does he restrict me so much? Doesn't he care how I feel? Why...

"Hey TK, you ok?" A woman steps out of the doorway of the medical facility. Tall, slim, and a natural red head like most of her family, she is well liked and known by all as a caring and compassionate person.

"Hey, didn't see you there Aunty Kara. Yeah I'm fine."

"Come on inside, I'll make us a drink." Kara wraps her arm around T'kyra and steers her into the building. "You don't always have to hide your feelings from me you know," she says as she holds the door open for her niece.

"How do you know I have something to hide?" TK shrugs loose the arm and flops down in the comfy chair. The scent of the lemon infused air starts to soothe her, softly calming the edges of her frustration.

"Easy. It's because your chin wobbles about like a fawn on ice!" Kara laughs as TK frowns. "I know you too well, T'kyra." Delivering statements like that with a soft warm smile always eased her patients, which is exactly how she viewed every single member of the two hundred-strong clan.

"Why thank you Aunty Kara. How to annoy people 1-0-1." Surely Doctors were meat to make people feel better?

"Well it's got you thinking less off what was bothering you, hasn't it? And stop calling me aunty, it makes me feel old! Here's your lemon tea."

"Okay, DOCTOR. Thanks."

TK looks up to see the doctor leaning back in her chair, analysing everything she saw in the teenager. Somehow Kara's eyes impelled TK to continue.

"It's dad. He's forced me to take a partner out scavenging. He doesn't listen to me, and just pulls rank to get his own way. He doesn't respect me, or my need for my own space." Wow that felt good to get off my chest.

"Why do you think he has done this? Even if he hasn't gone about it in the right way, he has only made these decisions to protect you. Palliko loves you TK, and he doesn't want see you hurt. That's why Oso is going with you."

T'kyra knew the doctor was right, but that did not make it any easier to hear. Her dad was there for her, and though he could be a better father, he could also be worse.

"You don't make it particularly easy for your father either, you know. It's nearly fifteen years since I lost my sister. Kyrene and Palliko were wonderful parents. Bringing up a teenager is difficult for two parents, never mind a single father."

At this time, T'kyra sits forward looking blankly into her lemon tea. She couldn't remember much of her mother, but whenever Kyrene is mentioned around her dad, she can see the love and hurt behind the strong leader's eyes.

It is becoming late and TK wants to apologise to her dad before heading to bed. She has a long hard day ahead if she had to work with Oso.

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